Timelies all!
It's not a whole lot of fun when a piece of equipment you need for your protocol at work malfunctions in the middle of said protocol. To make matters more annoying, it's the only piece of equipment in the lab that works for this. Grrr.
I am so not in the mood to talk to whiny, self-centered clients. Don't spend the first five minutes of a call berating me about how valuable your time is and how offended you are to be kept on hold, etc. etc. Cut to the chase, tell me your problem, follow my instructions, don't keep harping on how horrible the service is and LET ME DO MY JOB!
company-wide "strongly encouraged" brainstorming meeting at 6!!!! @@@@
I despise "strongly encouraged" meetings with every iota of my cold little heart.
Is it possible to be allergic to envelope glue?
They used to (maybe still do, I haven't checked into it) put corn starch in envelope glue, which I am allergic to, so, yeah.
No, I don't know why glue needs corn starch.
I think your brainstorm should be "hire more people. Do the &*^#! work. No 6 pm meetings."
6pm meeting is the suck. I'm preemptively annoyed about the meeting I have on Thursday in deepest New Jersey at 4:30, but at least I had prior warning!
I think you have to provide alcohol at my workplace if you schedule a meeting after 4:30 that doesn't involve the mission crashing and burning. There are a lot of staff who leave at 4 or earlier, having arrived before dawn.
A 6pm meeting is ridiculous. I thought the CIO's 4:30pm on Friday meetings were bad.
ION, one of our directors brought in a bunch of chocolate bars. It was bad enough that I had the first one, but then I had to go get a second a couple hours later. Oy. I wish I dealt with stress in ways that didn't involve eating crap.
IOON, the Mythbusters' latest movie myth special was good stuff. I got an inordanite amount of glee out of watching a real sword cleave a stainless steel replica clean through.
ETA: Well, crappity. Kodak changed the terms of service for their on-line galleries. Now you have to buy something from them once a year or they'll delete your pictures. Is not enough I have one of their stupid cameras?
I *just* realized why one of the tech's at the vet's office looks so familiar: she bears a passing resemblence to Abby on NCIS. Same hair, coloring, personal style, chirpy warm personality.