Ah, mental fog. How well I know you.
The best advice I can give from my own experience is to get very methodical about certain essential items, such as putting your keys in the same place every time. (That way, at least I don't emotionally beat myself up about little lapses in other stuff that is less rote, because I'm getting a B+ for effort.)
Why are you awake, Theodosia?
Theodosia and msbelle,
Veronica Mars
is available at MSN, for a sneak peek, this week: [link]
The broadcast premiere is October 3, which is the *
anniversary of Lilly Kane's death.
* Not that that's here or there.
Will Heroes get a repeat airing on Bravo? Or should I be looking for other options?
Cashmere, at the end of the episode, they did say it would rerun, tonight (Tuesday). They could have said Bravo. I didn't retain it. Wait. I bet TiVo will know...
TiVo says the Heroes pilot is rerunning at 8:00pm, tonight, on NBC. It also says it's rerunning Friday, 9/29 on Sci-Fi at 7:00pm, and Monday, 10/2 on USA, at 11:05pm.
Additionally, NBC's done all right by it on their web page: [link]
It's a little confusing to see a fantasy genre show get so much support from one of the big three networks. I mean, I know NBC is struggling and all, but that usually seems to be when the networks try to get back hand by abusing us, and remaking us their bitches. Maybe I dreamed this all up. I'd better go get some more coffee, just to be sure.
I loved Heroes. I mean, I watched it at the beginning of September or something when the screener was dropped, so I haven't seen it in awhile, but it's like that show was tailor-made for me. I was watching entranced the entire time.
I get to watch S60 when I get home! Yay!
Glad the Zmaby is doing okay.
Ooh. Glad to hear that "Heroes" is going to be repeated!
You too, Jesse.
I was totally in bed when that was posted! Ha!
And I could have slept in again this morning, since I'm meeting my boss (and coworkers) at her house at 10:30 to go to Connecticut for lunch. Yeah, I don't know either.
Hey, new Natter thread, with the new year, how appropriate!
So, I've been reading "Beep Me" (which is, pretty much, all the catching-up I get to do), and I know that it's evil of me to whine, because you guys had it going for over a day now, but for me it was like reading the whole plot in one sitting - what's going on, the updates, the progress (or lack thereof, I guess), and then the last post is Tom's "she's pushing", and I'm all, hey, if I'm reading the whole story in one gulp and I don't get to play the whole expectations game with everybody, couldn't I at least get to know the happy-ending now, as well?
Which is a somewhat interesting-yet-childish way of making a post about somebody else's labor pains into a meMeME. Huh.
Nah, I hear you, Nilly. I was all excited to wake up to a new baby. OK, probably not as excited as the actual parents, but you know.
And it's funny, because it's all "sleep through the night" and "new baby in the morning" in the posts, and I'm trying to calculate the time differences on my fingers to know if I'm supposed to lose patience already or if I should still try to pretend I'm a grown-up.