Heroes' eclipse made me throw what I was holding at the screen. Luckily, it was a towel. The last two little twists were enough to get me to watch at least once more. I liked that
Glasses Man was her father,
and I didn't expect
Shark Brother to be the flier. I did say to him, when Peter saw the painting, maybe he just saw you falling, you dope. But he didn't hear me.
Studio 60: I really like the show, but I already want to strangle Harriet.
eta okay, well, now I like her better. She may live.
I'm surprised that after tuning in to see the
time-and-space bending and people flying and indestructible cheerleaders,
the most amazing that happened on NBC tonight was
a television show making me like Amanda Peet.
Also, airing SNL promos during primetime tonight wasn't so smart, as I was left wishing the show-within-a-show on Studio 60 was going to be on this Saturday night instead.
Okay, the two guys
in the karaoke bar wearing red basketball uniforms and singing that song cracked me up severely. If only there was a guy behind them playing video games and very obviously ignoring them.
The Japan stuff in general was good, though. The rest of it was kind of meh and I got really sick of watching
miss cheerleader mangling herself.
I also wonder how
she actually gets injured and then heals from everything else, but fire just plain doesn't hurt her.
Totally didn't see
the senate hopeful being the flyer
It's interesting enough, and the Japan scenes were amusing enough, that I'm willing to stick with it for now. It certainly didn't blow me away, but it's worth leaving my DVR set to record it and see how it goes.
Will Heroes get a repeat airing on Bravo? Or should I be looking for other options?
points at Heroes on TiVo
hasn't watched it yet
waggles eyebrows suggestively
See how quick I get an offer! Thanks, Ailleann. Will check with DH on his schedule.
I missed my way twice on the way home today. Within two blocks of my home, I got turned around. Twice.
I want my brain back.
Cute Overload has another good one: the nearsighted fawn.
Ah, mental fog. How well I know you.
The best advice I can give from my own experience is to get very methodical about certain essential items, such as putting your keys in the same place every time. (That way, at least I don't emotionally beat myself up about little lapses in other stuff that is less rote, because I'm getting a B+ for effort.)
Why are you awake, Theodosia?