Pretzels and chocolate are better separate than together.
In partial salve for the Trent Lott nastiness, here's what the Focus on the Family fucktards are up in arms about today:
Former Texas Congressman Dick Armey, once a stalwart ally in the culture wars, appears to be turning his back on Christian conservatives and their leaders.
The former majority leader of the House of Representatives reportedly told Ryan Sager, author of a new book on the Republican Party, that values voters and their leaders — especially Focus on the Family Action Chairman Dr. James Dobson — are “nasty bullies.”
In the interview, Armey responded pointedly when Sager asked why he thought Christian conservatives seemed more powerful now than in the 1990s.
“To a large extent, because Dobson and his gang of thugs are real nasty bullies,” Armey said. “I pray devoutly every day, but being a Christian is no excuse for being stupid. There’s a high demagoguery coefficient to issues like prayer in schools. Demagoguery doesn’t work unless it’s dumb . . . These issues are easy for the intellectually lazy and can appeal to a large demographic.”
Dick Armey.
Dick Armey.
Maybe there's some hope for people to see the light after all.
french fries and a milkshake
OMG YES but it has to be a black and white milkshake for me. Preferably from the Charcoal Pit.
unless it's french fries and a milkshake
It's the salt that kills it for me. No longer neutral, the potatoes have aligned themselves with the enemy camp.
Nuke them from orbit, I sez.
Dick Armey. Dick Armey. Maybe there's some hope for people to see the light after all.
I just love his name. It sounds like some militant gay punk group.
unless it's french fries and a milkshake
Oh hell yes. Now I want that too. It is slightly more achievable than Eggspectations, at least.
Salt is ok with super-sweet things. I don't salt my fries anyway.
Pretzels and chocolate are better separate than together.
Oh dear, now Brenda is dead to me.
I don't salt my fries anyway.
Don't they salt them for you? I rarely get them without a hint of salt.
Don't they salt them for you? I rarely get them without a hint of salt.
Yeha, but that's what dipping in a milkshake is for!
I'm not onboard with potatoes and chocolate, unless it's french fries and a milkshake. Yum.
This is true. I will do the french fries and chocolate shake, though probably not a non-chocolate shake.
Now I want to go to Newport Creamery for dinner.