No lie. I've seen them. Everyone should send Cass gifties just as a means to see the pretty notecards.
I like candles, good conversation and long walks on the beach...
Also chocolate.
Sounds like a person who thought of manners as obligation rather than lubrication (also a big poor-me-everyone-else-sucks person, let me say). Oh, and hypocrite, of course -- I mean, if you'd gotten thank you notes from her, as you should have, probably you (clearly a very thoughtful little Cindy) would have been writing them too. If she thought they were basic courtesy and wasn't writing them, then SHE'S the one who was being rude.
So DAMN much this. I was expected to write thank you notes to people whom I had also gifted and did I ever get a note of thanks? Nope. Pissed me the hell off.
It is a paradox.
An annoying one too.
Oh, quick math survey. Can you solve this problem without calculation: (87 * 326)/87 ? Would you expect an eighth grader to be able to?
Yes. Yes.
Nighttime... I need a fire and some wine. Then to collapse on couch.
I'm already curled up on the couch, and now I am wondering if I want a beer.
Cat has been shot. And is still snuggly. Also fed.
Fire has been lit.
Cass has wine and with enough will also be lit.
Sundays are goooooood.
Oh, Lee, beth, I SWEAR I'm going to come get my stuff. Promise. I just, er, haven't. Yet.
How can all my kids be failing? HOW?
Oh, that's right. They don't do the homework. Never mind. Pity it's parent conference week.
I'm going to have a small glass of port, watch Scrubs and Entourage and pass out.
I have been fed the most delicious meal and chased the baby around the house a few dozen times. Poor David isn't feeling well, so he hid in the other room. I'm going to fall down now.
I'm going to have a small glass of port, watch Scrubs and Entourage and pass out.
Bigger glass, more pass out.
Hopefully D will feel better tomorrow, sj. Snuggle those babies but good now that you are there.
Have wine. Have fire. Have cleaned Puppycat's eyes of goop. Have shot and fed Kittenish. Have sleepies. Have zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's
emily, no worries. we have been thinking about bringing stuff to you, but umm... that's as far as we have gotten.
It is 830. and we are thinking of bed and sleep. My goal - make it to 9 930 would be good, but not likely.