Cindy, fwiw, I just checked at the KATE'S MYSTERY BOOKS website, and they just say that Deb will be signing books from 6-7, so it doesn't sound like there will be an actual reading. Has anybody heard otherwise?
I find this a little comforting in that I won't be missing a reading. It doesn't look like we're going, though, and I hate to miss Deb while she's in town. It wouldn't have been a good weekend for us, even if we were feeling good. Dh actually is feeling slightly better, but I am feeling worse. I'm trying to convince myself to eat something, but nothing appeals.
Granted, if Cindy and I both end up there at the same time, the universe is likely to end, so there's that to consider.
It looks like the universe is safe, today, at least from us, Frank.
I think you and I will have to meet in Maine, if it's ever going to happen.
Sometimes there is guilt. But still? Quality advice that should be heeded.
Guilt?!? There was no guilt. There was powder and cream, and easier tire iron utilization. You should be
of yourself, for mentioning guilt.
I think you and I will have to meet in Maine, if it's ever going to happen.
Heh. That's where I'll be tomorrow.
Are you going up early? The weather is going to be extra nasty.
Well, dang.
Nora, we absolutely just have to meet for coffee somewhere in the middle, some day. We're probably not 15 miles from each other.
I'm telling you, Cindy Does. Not. EXIST.
Sail, talk to your dentist. I sleep every night in a biteplate because of the tooth-grinding. It has saved me the daily cluster headaches of varying intensity I used to suffer before I got it
I fully intended to get one and then ADs happened, so I didn't need it. Now, though, I may make an appointment to have him make me one. Fortunately, my insurance covers one, because they ain't cheap.
Yay, Steph! That's a wonderful story.
Are you going up early? The weather is going to be extra nasty.
10:30-ish. I'm going to be hanging with my brother and his wife (I dug up an old MST3K with a movie that had Ian McShane in it and with them being DEADWOOD fans, I thought it would be a kick), then heading back Sunday noon-ish.
Cindy, I thought for sure you would be going tonight, since I can't make it. It's crazy that we haven't met yet.