It's actually quite ouch. It was a stab, not a slice so I am going to wrench the bandage off later tonight without risking a rebleed, but I expect that I will be putting Bactracin on it for a few days to ensure bug-free healing.
I also ran a shopping cart over/into my toenail earlier.
Seriously, who gave me a body without making sure my Human license was valid?
I stabbed myself in the stomach with a knife last night.
Okay, well, not *stabbed,* as much as -- I was trying to pry apart 2 veggie burgers that had frozen together in an icy embrace, and I used a knife, and because I don't have even one shred of common sense, the pointy part of the knife was aimed at me, rather than away, and when the veggie burgers finally uncoupled, the momentum of the knife made me jab myself in the stomach.
But I was wearing a shirt, and the knife, though not a butter knife, was still not particularly sharp. I didn't even break the skin. So much for my career (short-lived though it might have been, were I successful) as a seppuku master.
Also, I have an unexplained itchy rash in the curve under my boobs, and ye gods is it annoying.
Begone, rash!
Teppy, I am glad you didn't hurt yourself.
t wraps Bitches in bubble wrap
I am rolling my eyes 4EVA in the direction of Tom's stupid bosses. But not in rage, so I guess it could be worse.
::unwraps Jess's bubble wrap just long enough to take all sharp and/or hot objects away from Bitches. Re-wraps Bitches.::
(Not HOTT objects because then I'd be taking all of the Bitches out of the bubble wrap. Hardly the point.)
In stupidstupidstupid news, I've lost my wallet. I noticed yesterday at lunch and figured I'd left it at home somehow. I was wrong. I can't find it ANYWHERE and the only good thing is that I at least have my debit card. Any chance for find-your-wallet~ma? Kind of freaking out a little bit here.
I think I've lost a pants size, as all my pants are unpleasantly loose. While that is nice, more or less, I despair of purchasing new pants. In a different country with a different size scheme. Especially when you enter into that weird in-between-sizes stage. Also, money for pants = bad.
SA, maybe your pants are just giving you more room to enjoy more tasty food...
sj, sorry I didn't get your insent before this morning. I was busy tearing apart my living room last night in hopes that my wallet was under the couch.
Wallet~ma, Nicole.
ION, I stayed up too late last night. I don't want to be at work. It's bleh and rainy out. My head hurts and I wanna go home. Bleh. Even a pumpkin spice latte didn't perk me up.
Wallet-ma galore for Nicole.
And no-head-hurty-plus-added-pep for Sail.
Can I pop some of the bubble wrap? Just on parts that aren't cushioning precious Bitches? Like this corner here? pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-
Nicole. Check the hedgehogs. Maybe Bailey hid it from you.