If you have really long hair, and you are leaning to one side to get some of the hair in the back curled, you can slip and burn your boob.
HAH! No, but close. You know how when you drop something, your instinct is to catch it. And you know how when you're curling your hair, you often have a hunk of it in one hand and a brush in the other. Then sometimes, the curling iron slips so you catch it with your elbow and boob.
This is why I should not attempt anything before coffee. Far too dangerous.
When I was pregnant, I burned my boob with the cheese from a Hot Pocket.
Fucker took forever to heal.
Placebo = good.
Fuckos who talktalktalk behind you during the WHOLE SET?
Bad, and in need of sporking.
Brian Molko = tiny.
Oh, you got tickets! That's awesome, Plei.
Today's my last day at this gig, and one of the things I'm going to miss most about working here is the greengrocer and butcher around the corner. I love getting food there. It's so much nicer than the supermarket.
I once stepped on a hot curling iron, which I had apparently forgotten to turn off and which had fallen to the floor.
My only excuse is that I was 13.
When I was a kid, I got a splinter or something caught in my thumb and it turned green. I hid it with a band-aid. When my mother finally discovered it, we had to go to the emergency room. I still get teased about having a green thumb.
OK, I am deleting my rant, because I am actually in an excellent mood. I also present a fun write up of my town! Salem!
It's actually quite ouch. It was a stab, not a slice so I am going to wrench the bandage off later tonight without risking a rebleed, but I expect that I will be putting Bactracin on it for a few days to ensure bug-free healing.
I also ran a shopping cart over/into my toenail earlier.
Seriously, who gave me a body without making sure my Human license was valid?
I stabbed myself in the stomach with a knife last night.
Okay, well, not *stabbed,* as much as -- I was trying to pry apart 2 veggie burgers that had frozen together in an icy embrace, and I used a knife, and because I don't have even one shred of common sense, the pointy part of the knife was aimed at me, rather than away, and when the veggie burgers finally uncoupled, the momentum of the knife made me jab myself in the stomach.
But I was wearing a shirt, and the knife, though not a butter knife, was still not particularly sharp. I didn't even break the skin. So much for my career (short-lived though it might have been, were I successful) as a seppuku master.
Also, I have an unexplained itchy rash in the curve under my boobs, and ye gods is it annoying.
Begone, rash!
Teppy, I am glad you didn't hurt yourself.
t wraps Bitches in bubble wrap
I am rolling my eyes 4EVA in the direction of Tom's stupid bosses. But not in rage, so I guess it could be worse.