my brain is in a rut. Which happens when I can feel the seasons changeing, I think. So I want to be something different , but really can't think of anything different that I want to do . so I feel like everthing is boreing, even though I'm not really bored. It is sort of like futless- but there is no energy. and it is vaguely fake. It might be that urge to prep for winter , even though winter isn't the same as the winter I grew up with. My brain is whiney.
t hugs Beth
My brain gets like that sometimes too.
I get season-change weirdness myself, but the beginning of fall is wonderful for me. It's when winter itself appears, as well as the heat of summer, that I start feeling somewhat murderous. The seasons of endurance. I hate having to endure.
My brain gets like that sometimes too.
This might explain why I have 3 alternatives for Halloween costumes. That, and they were 40% off.
I still have to get 3 things to finish mine off. Bah. Don't want to shop (which is how I
I have the fall blues).
Brain is hurty.
Last minute project at work due NOW. Waiting on BigBigBos for stuff.
Have already worked 30 hours this week.
Have lost pronouns.
I ALWAYS have Wint-O-Green LifeSavers on me. Always.
I heard those make blowjobs more fun.