Would you be able to arrange for some of your paycheck to be direct deposited into an ING account, and the rest into your current accounts?
That's what I meant. As long as ING works like a regular savings account and has, like, an account number and routing number and all that, I can get the paycheck to drop in there directly.
And, yeah, I think I can actually put part in the BOA savings account, but I see no reason to continually increase that one by any significant amount. There's a $300 minimum balance, but I also think it's supposed to be transferring $25 from checking every month to keep from having a fee, although I haven't seen it doing that in the activity.
I can change how I do it at any time, so I think I'll start out by just putting all the "savings" portion into ING and see how that goes.
you may hear from me later Nora
edit: really, just because I can't spell is no excuse
Email sent, Nora. I'm rubbing my hands together gleefully with the thought of making more money offa my existing money! Whee!
Has anyone seen my motivation? It seems to have taken Friday off.
I'm rubbing my hands together gleefully with the thought of making more money offa my existing money! Whee!
I KNOW! I mean, I was amused enough to see, like, four or five dollars appear out of nowhere every month.
Has anyone seen my motivation? It seems to have taken Friday off.
It ran off to drink green apple martinis with my motivation. They're having a great time, but leaving us high and dry.
Well, this is very exciting. I've even updated all my personal info at ING and checked in on my IRA. Question for mathy types. My IRA has made $900 on a $5K rollover that I did a little less than 2 years ago. Is that good, bad, or so-so? I am thinking about tinkering with the allocations. Am I crazy or is that almost a 20% return on investment? Or is that just a simplification?
I know that a 4.4% return on savings is Teh Awesome, but other fiscal math makes me confuzzled.
It ran off to drink green apple martinis with my motivation. They're having a great time, but leaving us high and dry.
Great. That means I'm going to be teaching with a drunk motivation.
I have done, at best, about 10 minutes worth of actual work at work today. Freeing me up for much ING pimpage, apparantly.
Great. That means I'm going to be teaching with a drunk motivation.
Well, that's better than me. I'm gonna be doing math with a drunk motivation.