Well, this is very exciting. I've even updated all my personal info at ING and checked in on my IRA. Question for mathy types. My IRA has made $900 on a $5K rollover that I did a little less than 2 years ago. Is that good, bad, or so-so? I am thinking about tinkering with the allocations. Am I crazy or is that almost a 20% return on investment? Or is that just a simplification?
I know that a 4.4% return on savings is Teh Awesome, but other fiscal math makes me confuzzled.
It ran off to drink green apple martinis with my motivation. They're having a great time, but leaving us high and dry.
Great. That means I'm going to be teaching with a drunk motivation.
I have done, at best, about 10 minutes worth of actual work at work today. Freeing me up for much ING pimpage, apparantly.
Great. That means I'm going to be teaching with a drunk motivation.
Well, that's better than me. I'm gonna be doing math with a drunk motivation.
throws self on floor and throws angry, frustrated tantrum, screaming English, British, and made up obscenities
It ran off to drink green apple martinis with my motivation. They're having a great time, but leaving us high and dry.
Either that, or your motivation is consoling my motivation, which fled in terror after reading the latest question I was asked via the GCS site.
Share, Jilli! PLEEEEASE??
Damn drunken motivations!
Y'all should just pitch it and joing up with your respective drunken motivations.
Today at the office I had a long involved conversation about single malt whisky. It really drove my motivation away to drunkeness.
Problem, Empress?
Jackhole general contractor. They manage to eff up getting us our check EVERY MONTH. And are just, in general, assholes.