I saw a denim couch with nice big puffy comfortable pillows at a thrift store the other day and wondered if PC's apartment had one that nice yet. I wonder if Martha Stewart would deem it appropriate for a bachelor pad?
And hey, even if the thought of spending too much time with your family is giving you the creeps, you still get to look forward to returning to your very own apartment. That part always feels like a great relief.
I am annoyed with my job already. Trainer and boss both yak as fast as they can go, never slowing down so I can write stuff down, and my notes are sadly insufficient. Apparently I can switch the numbers in the monthly report anywhere I want, as long as I get the same total every time. That seems odd and kinda unsavory too. Plus they are making me switch my day off from Wednesday to Tuesday, because I foolishly asked about coverage. So I guess it's my own darn fault for bringing it up.
I have dreams about moving to a big house with banks and banks of tall shelves for my books, and how I never, ever have to move anything out of my way to get at one.
Ahhhhh, nice nappage. Will see if that now leads to insomnia tonight.
The doggie pain meds must be some good stuff. He is using his leg again, walking as though there is no problem.
Now I have to wake up enough to do my statistics math homework. Standard deviation and such - oooooh, fun.
Oh, CJ and I are going to the Raiders game on Sunday. I am SO not a football fan, but he loves the Raiders and DH won't take him.
I saw a denim couch with nice big puffy comfortable pillows at a thrift store the other day and wondered if PC's apartment had one that nice yet. I wonder if Martha Stewart would deem it appropriate for a bachelor pad?
Heh. I'm just giving up and buying the IKEA Ektorp.
I'm surprised your rate on your loans is that high. You should be able to do better than that. Unless you have no other debt, I'm not sure that's the greatest use of your money.
Baseball: HOLY SHIT what a play!
I'm surprised your rate on your loans is that high. You should be able to do better than that. Unless you have no other debt, I'm not sure that's the greatest use of your money.
Keeping it or paying it off? I mean, it was a federal loan.
Don't pay off your student loan unless it is the only loan you have. It's tax deductible and "good debt."
Tom - did you see the Edmonds catches that DX had posted in his lj? THIS catch was better!!! Wow.
Don't pay off your student loan unless it is the only loan you have.
It is the only loan I have.
THIS catch was better!!! Wow.
I know! Plus the throw afterwards!