I saw a denim couch with nice big puffy comfortable pillows at a thrift store the other day and wondered if PC's apartment had one that nice yet. I wonder if Martha Stewart would deem it appropriate for a bachelor pad?
Heh. I'm just giving up and buying the IKEA Ektorp.
I'm surprised your rate on your loans is that high. You should be able to do better than that. Unless you have no other debt, I'm not sure that's the greatest use of your money.
Baseball: HOLY SHIT what a play!
I'm surprised your rate on your loans is that high. You should be able to do better than that. Unless you have no other debt, I'm not sure that's the greatest use of your money.
Keeping it or paying it off? I mean, it was a federal loan.
Don't pay off your student loan unless it is the only loan you have. It's tax deductible and "good debt."
Tom - did you see the Edmonds catches that DX had posted in his lj? THIS catch was better!!! Wow.
Don't pay off your student loan unless it is the only loan you have.
It is the only loan I have.
THIS catch was better!!! Wow.
I know! Plus the throw afterwards!
Paying it off, I meant. Or, what she said.
I would look into consolidation and see if you can get a better rate. But a federal student loan is about the most manageable, flexible kind of debt you'll encounter.
Are you thinking of buying anytime in the next five years? It might be worth running the numbers to see whether paying off your SLs or having bigger down payment money will work better for you. I haven't looked at it that closely, so I have no idea which way it would come out. But I think I would check.
Aside from that - well, less debt is better than more. Just don't put too big a hit in your savings to pay them off if there's something down the road you can better put the money to [caveat: does not include gold jewlery for people who are not you.]