Y'know, Erin, even those of us who aren't cats Hec would appreciate pictures of the new haircut, just on the general principle that Erin pictures are never a bad thing.
In other hair news, Hec's new haircut looks quite adorable, Matilda is persisting in not losing any of the hair she was born with (her gigantically old-man receding hairline is even starting, just a bit, to progress, and she still has a fine coat of downy lanugo on the backs of her shoulders, which really just makes them even more pettable), and my own hair is an increasingly unruly mop. Bangs all the way down to the tip of my nose! I don't even look like I belong to Zmayhem!
My current theory is that Hec is deviously plotting to get me desperate enough to fall to my knees before him begging for either a Natalie Portmanesque pixie cut or a full head-shaving. Though it's equally likely (but so much more boring) that we are both just too fried and Matilda is too frequently wakeful and feeding/changing-needy to set aside the large chunk of time necessary for a proper haircut.
All sorts of health-ma in abundance to everyone in Suzi's household, two- and four-legged.
We've been cleaning out our storage shed, so for the first time in a year I've been able to see my library displayed on shelves, as God intended. I find myself in the garage staring at the bookshelves and whispering "Books!" to myself.
Ahhh, what a sweet and glorious pleasure. Whenever I get panicky about the prospect of moving in a year or so, I soothe myself with the reminder that one of the requirements for the new place will be "adequate space for all the books" and the golden shining promise of rescuing all my boxes of books from their current prisons (dad's basement, mom's garage).
Thanks JZ. Was feeling kinda invisible.
Poor puppy leg! I hope he gets better Suze.
And I hope the results from the biopsy are all good! What was the biopsy for? Just to check things are ok with the kidney?
I am so not awake today, because I really thought I said ~ma to Suzi's mom and to Suzi's dog. Tons of ~ma to all of you. Time for another cuppa.
Aimee - yeah, the biopsy is a regular follow-up test post-transplant. But it will tell them if it is functioning better. She is still doing dialysis and is still having a tough time getting her strength back.
When I called her this morning to check on the dog, she had to get off the phone cause she had to puke. I'm the only one in the family who is not a sympathy puker. Lucky me.
It is just one of those days where I need to find a cave and hide. I'm not fit for human interaction.
Suzi, you're still doing better than I am -- I have the book separated by fic and non, but they're all piled up willy-nilly, horizontally and vertically on the shelves.
JZ, I don't think I HAVE a picture of me with my new hair. I'll try to rememdy and post it.
Every girl is pretty when she gets her hair cut.
Many men I know disagree with you, Hec. Hubby only stopped objecting when I said, "Deal with it," and even then he looks mournfully at my head. I work with a couple of guys who say "Women shouldn't have short hair, ever." I called them reactionaries and didn't explain what it meant.
It is just one of those days where I need to find a cave and hide. I'm not fit for human interaction.
The North Beach Spa calls you....
Many men I know disagree with you
Oh, I think it's well established that my opinion in this matter is in the tiniest minority.
Connie - that is my DH too. I got mine cut a week ago and made the mistake of asking if he liked the new cut. His response was to compare me with short hair to him wearing a Yankee's jersey. No matter how nice the jersey is, there is no way I would ever like it.
Fine. Whatever. I'm happier with my hair short.