No, erika, I think she's fixed.
Well, that particular key is still MIA, but I've ruled out one possibility as to why.
Ugh. Just talked to Mr. Jane. Disappointment, but he's being really fucking cool. We did both think it would have been funny if I'd done Halloween in my costume (50's housewife, because that would scare the shit out of him) and actually been knocked up.
I love and adore you all.
But I love Nic more....
I have to be the only peron in the world who uses pregnancy as a stop smoking program.
(I am not pregnant, but if were, I'd not be smoking.)
Heh. I went out and got a pack right after I took the test.
I did not, however, ride all the rides at the fair because that one that rocks and rocks until it goes upside down scares the crap out of me. Too much anticipation before the upside down bit.
Oh, how I love you all.
Now to go study for my Math exam. Where's that Emily chick when you need her?
So, this afternoon is the big thing at Harvard. Now, I'm serious. What should I wear? Mom thinks I should wear a suit, and that was my first thought when I started thinking about it (before I asked mom). But, now I'm thinking that may be actually a bit much. So, option 2 is black dress pants, red shirt, and black cardiganish thing. The sweater is a little dressier than just a cardigan, but I'm not really sure how to better describe it.
I'm afraid that if I wear the suit, I may be more "stiff." And, these are 2nd year medical students. Are they going to care?
vw, medical students are not going to care in the slightest what you're wearing, and I think the most important thing is that you're comfortable. Speaking in front of groups of people can be really stressful; the last thing you want to do is be fidgeting with your clothing during the event.
I vote for option 2!
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking, Jen. Option 2 it is!
I think either one is good, vw, so go comfort, choose comfort.
I like Option 2 because it's got red in it, always helpful for a public speaker to wear. And a suit just seems too
you know?
Huh. I just got a raise. A helluva big raise. I totally was not expecting it! Now that's a Halloween present!
Is there any way to ask one's roommate who is in the room right above one's bedroom, and gets ready in the morning at least an hour before one gets up and has shoes on with a definite clicky and sturdy heel to GODDAMIT STOP WALKING BACK AND FORTH back and forth over and over again in the bedroom while one is awoken from sweet slumber below. What the HELL are you doing? And why do you have to wear shoes while doing it? AAAAHHHHHHH.