Also, I'm going to hurt the people who gave us iTunes 7.iwillfuckyourshitup.1 Jackholes. I can't get it to let me watch videos, or copy anything to the pod.
odd. Do you have the updated 7.x?
ETA, : Duh on my part.
7.0.1 frells things? I shall not download it, then, on my PC. My mac seems to work fine with it.
DH#1 passed away on Friday the 13th.
I'm so sorry, Laura. ~ma to you and to his wife.
I am using it on a mac. The videos are there in the purchased list, then I click on them...and nothing. It also won't move most stuff over to the pod- manually or automatically.
((Laura)). I hate deathiversaries.
{{Laura}} I know that can still hit hard. Much ~ma to his widow.
DJ, you're making me very happy that I don't have an iPod. I'm getting old and crotchety enough I'm tired of learning so much new technology.
Sad news, Laura... Also? I am so glad to see you back.
And Todd! Hi Todd!
Nicole abandoned me. She is about to take off so some thoughts of noweemonster~ma might be appreciated. We had a lovely time.
Pretty Gothy Harry Potter boy was not working today. But we got his name and I shall go back again. Because, yeah, the pretty. And he feeds me sweets. It's like perfection. With bonus potential penis.
Have wicked headache. Not sure if it is because I haven't eaten or because I just have a headache so I slammed two glasses of iced tea (decaf), some Advil and my food just finished cooking. If I still have a headache in fifteen minutes, it's nap time. Oh and I started a fire because it looks, sounds and feels nummy. My brain best appreciate all I am doing for it.
{{{Laura}}} ~ma to you both.
TODDSON! SO good to see you!
ETA: Poor {{{Cass}}} But, yay for pretty boy's name!
Oh and I started a fire because it looks, sounds and feels nummy.
Fireplace, right? Just checking.
::shakes head::
I really have a bad rep around here...
Yes, fire is in the fireplace and is only messed with using the Approved Fire Pokey Thing and not my clickystick.
I might be a little pyro, but I am a safe little pyro...
Food is good. Hoping that I just needed to eat. It might be true, at least.
And, yes, the pretty gothy HP boy has a name.
It's not Voldermont
Oh and I started a fire because it looks, sounds and feels nummy.
Isn't it good? Norwegian wood.