I'm cleaning maniacally, with Mythbusters on in the background. I managed to straighten up/re-shelve/storage box/cull the ginormous pile of comics. Now I'm going through a pile of Macworld magazines to rip out important articles I need to reference, and then putting them in a folder, and tossing the rest of the magazines. Then maybe lunch and washing the dishes. Then a nap, possibly. Then a shower, and party tonight.
I think the cleaning fairies have been skipping my apartment. Bastards.
Oooh, pictures! Foamy Cass and Nicole goodness!
ION, I think my mice are back. Heard scritchy-scratchy sounds last night. Went looking for evidence and found a few droppings. Not many, but I laid down some poison, so we'll see if they stay around or not. At least all the foodstuffs have been purged from the lower cupboards, so there shouldn't be anything to encourage them to linger. Will go hunting for more cracks to plug with steel wool. Sigh.
Pumpkin pancakes. OMG heaven.
The only thing better than David making you breakfast is Steph making you breakfast. She converted me to apple spread, which is heaven x 2.
Pumpkin pancakes. OMG heaven.
They're serving them at Zazie right now. They only do it when the sugar pumpkins are in season, so you've got a six week window.
The only thing better than David making you breakfast is Steph making you breakfast.
Oooh, time for a breakfast smackdown, I think.
::shakes Niman Ranch bacon threatently at La Tep::
Cute Matilda pictures.
I'm posting from my new MacBook! After my badgering them for a week, FedEx has finally deigned to actually deliver it. It's very cool.
Sometime today, I'm going to have to figure out how to transfer all my music and documents and stuff from my old Dell. That will be saved for later, though.
They're serving them at Zazie right now. They only do it when the sugar pumpkins are in season, so you've got a six week window.
Oh, god, Zazie... I need a cafe like that here. I haven't found it yet.
Oooh, time for a breakfast smackdown, I think. ::shakes Niman Ranch bacon threatently at La Tep::
Only if I get to be one of the judges.
Baby + momma = socute!
Well, since I'm going there in December...
Congratulations, Katie Bee! It's about time some Bay Area employer recognized all your juicy goodness and spicy brains and decided to pounce on you.
And, damn. I missed a bunch of birthdays and a wedding day by not visiting with all y'all yesterday. Belated happies to Cashmere and Matt, and, Jars, may today and all the coming days of actual marriedness be even better than the getting-married day!
ION, OMG are those pictures of me spectacularly unflattering. From now on, no non-Buffistas are permitted to wield a camera in my direction.
The tiny pink human, OTOH? Very fetching (though better in person).
since I'm going there in December...
Yay! Just talked to Jars! We're on for tonight. W00T!
Now, off to stuff myself and replenish the milk supply. Matilda fed almost nonstop yesterday and I'm feeling kind of depleted and desiccated.