They're serving them at Zazie right now. They only do it when the sugar pumpkins are in season, so you've got a six week window.
Oh, god, Zazie... I need a cafe like that here. I haven't found it yet.
Oooh, time for a breakfast smackdown, I think. ::shakes Niman Ranch bacon threatently at La Tep::
Only if I get to be one of the judges.
Baby + momma = socute!
Well, since I'm going there in December...
Congratulations, Katie Bee! It's about time some Bay Area employer recognized all your juicy goodness and spicy brains and decided to pounce on you.
And, damn. I missed a bunch of birthdays and a wedding day by not visiting with all y'all yesterday. Belated happies to Cashmere and Matt, and, Jars, may today and all the coming days of actual marriedness be even better than the getting-married day!
ION, OMG are those pictures of me spectacularly unflattering. From now on, no non-Buffistas are permitted to wield a camera in my direction.
The tiny pink human, OTOH? Very fetching (though better in person).
since I'm going there in December...
Yay! Just talked to Jars! We're on for tonight. W00T!
Now, off to stuff myself and replenish the milk supply. Matilda fed almost nonstop yesterday and I'm feeling kind of depleted and desiccated.
PROMISE! Just for you :).
Link for Jilli -- skull cupcake pan.
mmm, zazie. or I should go back to chicago and go back to the bongo room. I think that's what it was called.
Sorry hanging out with Gershwin Girl was painful, Gris. Hope you're in a better mood tonight.
I'm ridiculously looking forward to next weekend (drag king convention) but ridiculously NOT looking forward to our performance Saturday night--it's just not a good number. Sigh. I'd be SO PROUD if it were good and we were performing it in front of all our peers, but it's not.
it's just not a good number
What are you doing? Too late to change it or something?
It's official - Matilda's eyes have turned brown. Her hair is looking lighter. It might be a dark blonde. Or a light brown. Somewhere in there.
Matilda's eyes have turned brown
Already! It took a couple years for my kid's eyes to go hazel on them. Of course, their hazel isn't that far from blue, sort of a gray-green-yellow combo.
So freaky how babies' eyes change!!
We're doing "Bicycle", by Queen. Initially we were going to do a song by Mos Def that would've really been a stretch--it would've been very challenging, but very interesting. And somehow, we ended up on this. Which is not actually a BAD number, it's just...not exciting. If we were doing something hard, and failed, at least I'd be proud we tried, but...sigh. And the show is next weekend.