I wouldn't say no to a gothy Hermione-like girl, if there's one hanging with your gothy harry-potter-like boy. Book or movie Hermione.
Hung out with my best friend/neighbor, a fun gay friend, and Gershwin Girl tonight. Fun in concept, depressing in actuality. I think all of them are more natural teachers than me, for one thing. And Gershwin Girl still makes me ache.
I should go find pictures of puppies, or babies, or puppies playing with babies, to improve my mood.
YAY, Katie B.
I'm on vacation. Yay for me.
Woot on vacation, Lee. Going anywhere?
Gothy Hermione, check.
Gosh he was lovely. It was nice to flirt.
Yep. NYC and then Denver.
All the buffista babies are adorable.
I'm trying to decide whether to go on a JNF alternative spring break trip, to help rebuild the cities in northern Israel that were damaged during the war this summer. Pretty much, there are two things holding me back: first, they want two references, and suggest a rabbi or Hillel director. I go to synagogue semi-regularly, but the people there with official titles don't really know me. Second is that they want each person to raise $800 by asking friends and family and other people to contribute, and I'm not totally comfortable with that.
horray for you Katie B!
This evening we had dinner at our cafe, stopped by the local film museam and connected with people that we hadn't seen in awhile ( who were makeing shrines for the day of the dead) , swung by the corner store where we saw more people, and walked by a very shinny model T on the way home.
we live in a cool place. and we are on vactaion. 8 days ( or in the case of Matt 9 days ) off and hanging around home - has been really really goood.
NYC and then Denver.
Congratulations on the new job, Katie Bee! Woo hoo! I hope you and the job are a perfect fit for one another.
ETA: Good to hear that you and Matt are enjoying your vacations, beth.
Hurrah, KB! Congratulations on the job!
I am not on vacation. BooHoo! I guess I can find some happy thoughts for those that are... muttermuttermutterwantvacationmuttermutter
My DH is out backpacking with the guys. He told me not to worry... ha! I'm enjoying having the place to myself too much to worry!
Sekret message to sparky:
neener neener
I'm packed! Yay.