She growls?! You made her so she growls?!

Buffy ,'Get It Done'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

sj - Aug 29, 2006 4:57:39 am PDT #704 of 10000
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."



ChiKat - Aug 29, 2006 5:05:56 am PDT #705 of 10000
That man was going to shank me. Over an omelette. Two eggs and a slice of government cheese. Is that what my life is worth?

Happy birthdays, meara & JenK!!!!


This does my heart good, it does. They've been such donkey butts.

Calli - Aug 29, 2006 5:11:17 am PDT #706 of 10000
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs


Eeeeexxxxxxcelent! </Mr_Burns>

Topic!Cindy - Aug 29, 2006 5:21:18 am PDT #707 of 10000
What is even happening?

Happy Birthday, meara and Jen!

I officially accept the new job in 15 minutes. Part of me thinks I'll be calling in and the HR guy will be all, "Psych!"

This is a done deal now, yes, Calli?

Lee - Aug 29, 2006 5:30:22 am PDT #708 of 10000
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

Happy Birthday meara and Jen!

YAY Calli!

EAT IT, Evil Bug Landlords.

Laura - Aug 29, 2006 5:33:46 am PDT #709 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

Give 'em hell vw! There is no excuse for the paint all over your property. Unreal.

Really enjoyed the San Diego zoo pictures. Also, jealous.

Laura - Aug 29, 2006 5:35:39 am PDT #710 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

Black coffee:

I am working from home (Ernesto) but just realized that there will be no slacking off watching soap operas because all the local channels have all storm coverage all the time. Poo.

Guess I have to do actual work.

beekaytee - Aug 29, 2006 5:42:51 am PDT #711 of 10000
Compassionately intolerant

Really enjoyed the San Diego zoo pictures. Also, jealous.

Ditto! I soo miss my annual pass to the WAP. And the CA skies. but not the earthquakes

Welcome Sonus...any woobie of the LAistas is a woobie of the 'right' coast...

SailAweigh - Aug 29, 2006 5:44:06 am PDT #712 of 10000
Nana korobi, ya oki. (Fall down seven times, stand up eight.) ~Yuzuru Hanyu/Japanese proverb

Damn, Laura. It sucks when you're practically in the middle of a hurricane and you have to work! Something wrong with that picture.

{{Matt}} Beth, give the guy a big hug from me when he gets home. So happy that August is almost over.

Happy Birthday, Jen and meara!!

And I'm so happy to hear that the bug's landlords are going to get their comeuppance!! Whoo and a major hoo!

vw bug - Aug 29, 2006 5:52:02 am PDT #713 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

Ha! Just talked to Rozi landlord. New people moving in downstairs on the 1st. They might want the couch! WOOT! Won't that be nice and easy!