Moooom, Cass has the Nicole and she's not sharing!
No I am not! What??? I flunked Sharing in kindergarten.
That's because she's just not nice.
Lee, take that back or I won't send your present home with Nicole (because I
at the postal thing.) and then you'll be sorry...
Fizzy wine is num.
Kittenish has an infection (I suspect Kristin's diag of UTI) so she's on antibiotics along with everything else. And her thyroid levels are still high but coming down. We are upping her dosage and retesting. All things are looking faintly optimistic. Infection bad but treatable and the thyroid levels are going the right way. Yay vet.
Well, I guess they make special bras.
Oh yeah, I wanted to clean up nasally aspirated Prosecco...
Dear cow* that was funny.
*Cow, god, whatever...
This is odd: The Living Garage. A room that's half garage, half patio/lounge area.
Dear cow* that was funny.
*Cow, god, whatever...
Thank you for finding me funny.
Still giggling, PC. Brat.
sj, we drugged the little monsters with Benadryl before getting on the plane but it only knocked them out for about 45 minutes. The last twenty minutes of the flight SUCKED ASS! But we all survived. That's what matters, I guess. The flight home? Double dosing them, if I have anything to say about it.
I've only spotted Kittenish briefly. Poor little kitty.
Thank you for finding me funny.
I think she was praying to you....
sj, we drugged the little monsters with Benadryl before getting on the plane but it only knocked them out for about 45 minutes. The last twenty minutes of the flight SUCKED ASS! But we all survived. That's what matters, I guess. The flight home? Double dosing them, if I have anything to say about it.
Poor you. Sounds like you really earned this vacation.
pss... Hil, check out Sketchers. They have maryjane style shoes that aren't made of leather. Don't know if you've run into them before.
I tried the Sketchers outlet a few months ago. I think that everything there in adult sizes had some leather, and all the kids ones were pink. (I can wear adult or kid sizes in shoes, but I am not wearing pink sneakers.)
The flight home? Double dosing them, if I have anything to say about it.
Benadryl plus Motrin. It's safe and will make them drowsy for a couple hours.