pss... Hil, check out Sketchers. They have maryjane style shoes that aren't made of leather. Don't know if you've run into them before.
I tried the Sketchers outlet a few months ago. I think that everything there in adult sizes had some leather, and all the kids ones were pink. (I can wear adult or kid sizes in shoes, but I am not wearing pink sneakers.)
The flight home? Double dosing them, if I have anything to say about it.
Benadryl plus Motrin. It's safe and will make them drowsy for a couple hours.
Lee, take that back or I won't send your present home with Nicole (because I suck at the postal thing.) and then you'll be sorry...
Kneel before Cow!
Oh so many inappropriate comments, so little wine...
I *thought* so. Giftie shall be yours.
We're watch and snarking BSG. With hummus.
Thanks, Hec! I'll tell Sabrina to pick up some Motrin and more Benadryl before we leave Portland.
Oh so many inappropriate comments, so little wine...
Once you have more wine, please return with inappropriate comments.
Giftie shall be yours.
Nicole, we get proseco in Denver too, right?
For some reason, I heard the word "impressive" in Darth Vader's voice....
BWAH! That made me laugh and laugh and laugh
Oh my lord, like a drain.
My period's been getting unpredictable recently. But it could be strees. I just remember my mom waiting and waiting for meno, and cursing each month when it clearly hadn't happened. Mind, she was quite older than me.
Proseco, yay! Denver yay!