I scared the cats with the evil vacuum. Puppycat is now sleeping in the space between the tops of the cabinets and the ceiling. It's kinda cute.
I *really* need to jump in the shower now. Right about now. Any time now... This is me - jumping.
Now that I have reached the age of 50, I have truly entered the exciting joyride known as perimenopause. SUCH a pleasure! Throw out your old calendar, as your period can come at any time! Sometimes after 9 days, sometimes after 40 but never ever when it's supposed to! To make it exciting, one visit will be massively painful and flowy and involve every possible accompanying hormonal discomfort and the next will be demure but go on forever! Symptoms which used to be exclusively premenstrual will show up for no reason three days in! Each period can stop and start for no discernable reason several times! All of these symptoms are, of course "Natural" and "Part of the Process."
I say, F*ck natural. All things evil are natural.
Except Matilda.
Yes, she is.
I think we should propose a constitutional amendment banning perimenopause as an enemy of the state. Things would run much smoother if we didn't have to worry so damn much about feminine hygiene. I mean, really, having to carry around so much product all the time for just-in-case is very taxing on the body and the nerves. I know my road rage would be much milder if I wasn't racing to get home to change a tampon every two hours.
Cyanide is natural. Rats are natural. Salmonella is natural. Chasing down small animals, killing them with sticks and eating them raw is natural. Squatting in the woods is natural. Sneezing and dripping from allergies is natural. I like to think we've reached the Post-Natural Age.
I have no tips for perimenopause. It sucks. Mine didn't last long because I got thrown abruptly into menopause, with is much less messy but comes with extra added hot flashes.
Robin - I'm not even 40 yet and just got slapped with ALL of that. My gyn recommended the NuvaRing. This is only my first month on it, so we will see if it helps the "gee, what fresh hell of PMS/period can we inflict this time".
I like to think we've reached the Post-Natural Age.
We should totally promote this. Post-Natural could definitely be the new black.
My OB when Jake was born was on board. He actually gave me that pill to dry up my milk when I decided not to breastfeed. Much less painful than the other way.
I'm with Ginger on the instant menopause, but mine got delayed for years by Premarin. When I found out what I was taking (because I was stupid and foolishly trusted my doctors and didn't do my research because of denial. And laziness. And denial), then we went to soy substitutes, and alternative methods, and yharr with the hot flashes and the chills, dammit, often at the same time. Also with the metabolism screeching practically to a halt, and the thyroid going, "Don't need me for anything? I'll just be over here, nappingzzzz. Oh, and all that thick shiny hair? Not any more!"
Aimee, you must Netflix or otherwise rent MacLaine's Sweet Charity. Her backup girls are Paula Kelly and Chita Rivera, and there's Montalban and scads of other recognisable faces, and it's *Fosse*, and you can totally imagine Verdon as MacLaine goes through the dances.
It's no substitute for seeing a good production onstage, but it's definitely worth watching.
I want more Matilda pictures TOOO! I know that new-baby smell. Probably the best smell in the world, nuzzling the fuzzy baby skull.