Granted, I've never been to Ireland (which is insane, because I've always fancied it, but it's one of those it's-on-your-doorstep kind of deals), but - dude. MONSOONS. Mon. Soons.
That blows my mind! Like, it's right there! There! *points*
I'd be tempted to say it's Nicholitis, except that would sound like Inflamation of the Nickle, and the nickle sure as hell isn't being made bigger.
Wrod. I, er, maxed myself out this week on a trip to Galway, but in my defence, my account balance read €250 Euro all the way to Monday evening. I guess I'm just used to seeing an available balance updated immediately. Argh.
she wrote, continuing to scamper around the internet in search of cheap flights to Cairo for the half term holiday...)
Have you thought about Christmas at all?
REALLY good at raining. I mean, you know, AMAZINGLY skillfull in the making rain department.
So is the Pacific Northwest. It's bizarre. So far? I am kinda liking it.
Yes, I should be asleep. Or cleaning. I am doing neither.
Morning Cass! My own morning, which was pretty meh before, got rather better when I was told that someone will come talk to me after this meeting is over, and since the meeting is probably going to take at least another hour, that's another hour of net-reading I can do. Plus they had leftover scones and coffee! Which I am now greedily consuming. Not bad, not bad. It would be better if I had bus fare home, though. *g*
woke up
cranky , sleepy , can't sleep. somewhere in the kitchen is a very loud cricket like beast. Plus , we had a fire out back - so I smell like woodsmoke. and I drank enough wine to have heartburn.
morning beth! sorry you're cranky. Seek out coffee? Lord, you're up really early!
That blows my mind! Like, it's right there! There! *points*
True. But that's kind of the point - it isn't going to go away any time soon, so there's more a sense of saving up a nice & easy thing for...well, a rainy day.
Meanwhile, I'm in Thailand, which is hella cool. Last weekend I went back to Ko Samet with a bunch of fellow teachers from this and other schools. Meanwhile, however, my teaching assistant, the splendid Miss Bun, took a ten hour bus trip north to see this.
How fucking cool is THAT? Unexplained fireballs shooting out of the river every year! I vote dragon. 'Course, I have a Durmstrang book bag which I bring to work with me most every day, so I may not be the most objective observer. But - wow!
'Course, I have a Durmstrang book bag
Oh, that's ridiculously cool. You should take a picture.
ION, I haven't done work yet this morning. Thus filling me with trepidation.
Mmmm, scones and coffee. I wants. So long as there is anything dairy to fling at the coffee.
Kittenish is dozing and the vet should call in a few hours and (hopefully) wake me.
I want to be in Thailand. With a healthy and vet-adverse Kittenish and not a lot else. Someplace new and living for the surprise.
....ngah! I know not the context of this comment, but am now earwormed with the Fine Young Cannibals' song Good Thing. Which might even NOT be what you're talking about. Huh. But still.
Oops. Sorry, Fay. Nobody deserves FYC earworms (unless they like them). That is the song I meant. I was responding to Polter-Cow who could hear one sample in a song he linked (a few posts before mine) but was frustrated by another song he could hear, but couldn't remember. We think it's FYC's Good Thing.
I also vote dragon.
The Surprise is more than a little tiring, let me tell you. But the pleasure of it more than makes up for its exhausting qualities.