Mmmm, scones and coffee. I wants. So long as there is anything dairy to fling at the coffee.
Kittenish is dozing and the vet should call in a few hours and (hopefully) wake me.
I want to be in Thailand. With a healthy and vet-adverse Kittenish and not a lot else. Someplace new and living for the surprise.
....ngah! I know not the context of this comment, but am now earwormed with the Fine Young Cannibals' song Good Thing. Which might even NOT be what you're talking about. Huh. But still.
Oops. Sorry, Fay. Nobody deserves FYC earworms (unless they like them). That is the song I meant. I was responding to Polter-Cow who could hear one sample in a song he linked (a few posts before mine) but was frustrated by another song he could hear, but couldn't remember. We think it's FYC's Good Thing.
I also vote dragon.
The Surprise is more than a little tiring, let me tell you. But the pleasure of it more than makes up for its exhausting qualities.
I'm awake! I'm awake! What did I miss?
Ahhhh, sleep. Novel concept, that.
Too late - but FAY!!!!!
vw, did you see the pictures I posted?
::cheers:: Money in bank account by midnight tonight! I can afford to go to work tomorrow morning!
It's the small things, really.
Would someone mind emailing me the Smay address at my profile addy? I'd appreciate it.
Would someone mind emailing me the Smay address at my profile addy?
So, last night Matilda was relatively sleepy and quiet between midnight and 3 am. A first. Of course, last night Emmett's mosquito net (and light wooden frame) decided it was a good time to fall out of the ceiling and land on him at 2am.
There was some yelping.