Everybody dies, Tracey. Someone's carrying a bullet for you right now, doesn't even know it. The trick is to die of old age before it finds you.

Mal ,'The Message'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Laura - Aug 27, 2006 4:49:37 am PDT #343 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

Yay for making the old apartment history, vw.

The new studio sounds wonderful, Fay. Turtles! I can't imagine you yelling at the children. Hee. When the boys were in that age group I spent a lot of time in the classroom. They are much sweeter than the middle school or high school kids. The reason I was in the classroom so much at that time was the need level. The teacher always needed another set of hands. When Brendon was in 1st grade I worked with the children struggling with reading. It was a wonderful experience. I'm looking forward to hearing about your new kids. Lucky kids to have you as their new teacher.

Hee Aimee! I blame MM. He surely helped make the gesture second nature.

MIL will be coming to visit today. I really need to clear away the dirty dishes before she arrives. My house is a big mess. Looks like I better get serious about the hurricane preparedness too. Ernesto predictions just took a big right turn. Askye bound it looks like. We won't know for sure where it is headed until after it interacts with the islands.

My screen pool enclosure has never been repaired from last year. Roof not so much ready for big winds either. I'm a lot more ready that many people, but still a lot to do. When I fly I am still surprised to see just how many blue roofs are found throughout Florida and the gulf coast.

beth b - Aug 27, 2006 5:23:14 am PDT #344 of 10000
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

Matt just arrived home. he said" I don't know how much I'll sleep", and promptly started snoreing. Emily comes for her stuff about 9 - my DS and bil and 2 dogs about 10 - for a round of- look at that - that's a good deal - and why did anyone want that in the first place?

Class room sounds lovely Fay. and I expect you will yell more than you'd like, bu I think yuo'll do better than you think.

huricane behave better than expected Ma~~~

Laura - Aug 27, 2006 5:30:21 am PDT #345 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

Take pictures of the cool old stuff, Beth.

SailAweigh - Aug 27, 2006 5:48:41 am PDT #346 of 10000
Nana korobi, ya oki. (Fall down seven times, stand up eight.) ~Yuzuru Hanyu/Japanese proverb

Fay, have you got a digital camera to take pictures of the new place? It sounds absolutely fab. And I'm boggling at an apartment building with (it sounds like) over 18 floors, a pool and a gym! Wow. I think Ima have to find some kind of tech job in Bangkok.

vw, good on getting so much stuff done! I can't wait to see pictures of the new place.

I sense a theme, here. I think I'm a picture whore for pretty places. If I can't go there myself, then by damn I want to see pictures!

vw bug - Aug 27, 2006 6:03:57 am PDT #347 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

It never ceases to amaze me how paying bills just wipes through the money.

But, I am thankful for having enough money to pay them.

DavidS - Aug 27, 2006 7:32:04 am PDT #348 of 10000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Fay, the apartment sounds fantastic. Did you love Slings and Arrows? It sounds like. It gets even better on rewatch.

Emmett and I are off to see the Giants today. Catching our last little bit of summer before the school year starts.

sj - Aug 27, 2006 7:53:40 am PDT #349 of 10000
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

Have fun at the game, Hec. What grade is Emmett going to be in this year?

I slept very well and very long last night. Today has consisted mostly of reading the NY Times, and in a bit Mom, Teacup Guy, and I are going to go out to enjoy the last of summer at the beach. Stepdad had to head back already so he can get to work tomorrow.

SuziQ - Aug 27, 2006 8:00:00 am PDT #350 of 10000
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

I am looking forward to watching Slings and Arrows. I'm still not sure how I have missed out thus far.

My head should feel fuzzier than it does. But I'm thankful for the lack of brain ache.

meara - Aug 27, 2006 8:22:50 am PDT #351 of 10000

FAAAAAYYYYY! Sounds wonderful. I love hearing updates.

Aimee, you crack me up. LOVE.

I am feeling very pissy because I just saw pictures of an ex with her new gf and it felt like a kick in the stomach. Bad enough to know they're together, but seeing photographs? OW.

Pix - Aug 27, 2006 8:28:38 am PDT #352 of 10000
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

Just got an email that my dad is heading down to Florida or Alabama (depending on Ernesto's storm track) tomorrow morning. He volunteers for the Red Cross and is an Emergency Vehicle Operator, so he's always on call when hurricane season starts, but this is the first time he's been called since Katrina last year. Fingers crossed that the storm does little to no damage and that he's back home soon and safely.