Those exist? I never have mornings when I don't feel feral.
Oh, my feral sistah!
Plus, I'm non-feral if I wake up after 10, but I don't so much consider that morning - more the proper time to begin the day.
I should just continue to point to juliana and nod in agreement.
Baby is robust and perfect in every particular
Yayayay!! Way to go, Halloweenie!
{{Nora}} I think you're way cool. (Do you like me? Check yes, no or maybe!)
Day 2 of some of the worst cramps ever. I am not a happy camper.
Or cramper, for that matter.
Half a Robaxin is terrific for cramps! Thanks to my Hubby, the drug sharer.
I don't have access to good stuff, so I've been taking Advil. It's working, but boy, I hate waking myself up in the middle of the night because my cramps are so bad and the Advil has worn off. Not fun.
I could swear that one of the baby models in the recent Hanna Andersen catalog is Lilybean.
Ugh. 9:00 pm, just got home from work. Dinner is PBJ.
But hey, dark future and all, someone beat MM to the Robot Army: [link]
It seemed like such a better idea in theory, months ago, than in reality, now. However, it may still be an OK thing once I/we adjust to the Holy Crap! There's Someone In Our Space That Isn't Us! Factor.
Really - that is the most likely way for it to work. Now remember, you could be my friend L , who has three Tuvan throat singers living in her house. Who have been spending too much time together. She had to adjust - but she had to put limits on their behavior as well. Like no more than three beers a day at her house ( ahh...musicians). She grew up with alcholics - and that was a major problem for her to see. It is working. and she never met them until they arrived.
The communists have invaded. I have ordered macaroni and cheese for lunch. And a side salad! See how healthy I is?
The communists have invaded.
It's George Cloony's fault.
Yeah, the Communists are invading here, too.
Damn they get around.