It seemed like such a better idea in theory, months ago, than in reality, now. However, it may still be an OK thing once I/we adjust to the Holy Crap! There's Someone In Our Space That Isn't Us! Factor.
Really - that is the most likely way for it to work. Now remember, you could be my friend L , who has three Tuvan throat singers living in her house. Who have been spending too much time together. She had to adjust - but she had to put limits on their behavior as well. Like no more than three beers a day at her house ( ahh...musicians). She grew up with alcholics - and that was a major problem for her to see. It is working. and she never met them until they arrived.
The communists have invaded. I have ordered macaroni and cheese for lunch. And a side salad! See how healthy I is?
The communists have invaded.
It's George Cloony's fault.
Yeah, the Communists are invading here, too.
Damn they get around.
The Commies are massing on my borders as we speak. Or type. Whatever. Just in time for Vegas, whee!
"Comrades! Ve vill fight the capitalist debauched force by cramps, crankiness, and bloating! Also, crying."
"Comrades! Ve vill fight the capitalist debauched force by cramps, crankiness, and bloating! Also, crying."
My gosh, it is like you have a spy cam on my life right now.
Current focus of my ire. The US Post Office. Or the Oakland A's. Or at least their ticketing group. I have 60 folks who have paid to go to Saturday's game and yet I have nary a ticket in hand. Snarl.
Damn commies, count me in. Though, having conquered, it appears they may be on to new and better things soon.
Damn commies are early. Damn commies will be giving the illusion of "self control" this weekend should Nice Boy and I end up smooching at my Birthday Party.
You're doing much better with it than I ever would, that's for damn sure.
Well, I don't know, I think childbearing (not to mention childrearing) trump a lot of my stressors.
But thanks, y'all. I have conquered some work stuff and some school stuff and am feeling marginally more competant and in control of things.
Also, I have started therapy, which will hopefully help with Stuff. (just started yesterday)
seekrit message for ChiKat: