Why is the shower evil??
It has a Van Dyke, of course.
Well, it has had dykes in it...
No, seriously, old building & pipes+1 water heater+32 units=highly variable water temperature. It'll go to scalding or freezing from comfortable in 1 second some days. It's fun!
A car may facilitate the place thing, though, broadening her horizons.
You're right, of course. I thought of that after I posted it.
Fun like a poke in the eye!
Just back from another doctor visit. Baby is robust and perfect in every particular. They also got a good look at her goolie and declared it groovy.
Then stopped by the P.O. to pick up a package, which was (as I had predicted) a baby present from a Buffista.
Megan knitted us a super cute little baby kimono with ribbon tie, with a matching knitted cap threaded with a pretty ribbon. So cute! JZ collapsed into little gurbles of happiness over it.
I'm just at a point where I feel like it's all just Too Much and it manifests itself as general mental/social paralysis with all attendant failings in normal social niceties and behavior.
Hey, I know this one too. It's soooo much fun.
Still having insomnia. I feel sleepy before bedtime, and then suddenly my eyes pop wide open and I'm all tense and then I stay awake into the wee hours. This is the third or fourth day in a row getting only four hours of sleep, and I.Am.Not.Pleased. I like nine hours of sleep and ten is better. I am wandering around like a clueless zombie.
George Clooney is across the street and I am having a bad hair day.
Mere coincidence? Or definitive proof that the universe is out to get me?
I'm thinking: baby modeling agency = college fund.
One of my boss's patients has her college years all secured just exactly this way. She's now a studious college-touring teenager with absolutely no interest in modeling, but when she was Lily's age through the end of preschool she was in a bunch of clothing and toy catalogs and now all she has to worry about is getting the grades, not scraping together the loans and scholarships and other aid.
And as cute and photogenic a toddler as she was (I've seen the catalogs), Lily's exponentially more so.
{{{Nora}}} I still think you are made of awesome, and damn, between the job change and the flooding and the ongoing family issues, even without having a houseguest of indeterminate duration, you've been dealing with a fairly high stress level on a fairly constant basis for, like, ever. You're doing much better with it than I ever would, that's for damn sure.
Those exist? I never have mornings when I don't feel feral.
Oh, my feral sistah!
Plus, I'm non-feral if I wake up after 10, but I don't so much consider that morning - more the proper time to begin the day.
I should just continue to point to juliana and nod in agreement.
Baby is robust and perfect in every particular
Yayayay!! Way to go, Halloweenie!
{{Nora}} I think you're way cool. (Do you like me? Check yes, no or maybe!)
Day 2 of some of the worst cramps ever. I am not a happy camper.
Or cramper, for that matter.