Puppycat is still pissed that Kittenish is back. She is being such a bitch, not like a puppy at all. You know how I always kinda wanted her to grow up? I don't like it. Hissy little bitch.
That's too funny. I can
see that.
In Pissed-Off-Cat-related news...know what appeared on our front porch today? A Roomba. Drew found a deal on a refurbed one on amazon, and couldn't resist. It's charging right now, and Mia is already circling it suspiciously and slinking out of the room.
Tomorrow evening when it is fully charged, the comedy will begin.
Okay, my 17 month old is really wicked cute: [link]
You sure about that, Plei? Maybe we need some more pictures, to be sure.
She really really is. Like take your breath away cute.
Buffistas makes pretty humans with spicy brains!
Lee, we have SUCH a huge backlog of pictures! It makes me so sad, for lo, there are MONTHS of cute on the hard drive, just waiting for the time to deal with it all.
I'm kind of blown away by her tonight. It's like she stole all the cute in the whole house.
Lee, we have SUCH a huge backlog of pictures! It makes me so sad, for lo, there are MONTHS of cute on the hard drive, just waiting for the time to deal with it all.
That might be best for us though, since there are only so many times we can be ded from the cute and recover.
Or maybe you need someone to come up for a weekend and help you go through them.
reads reads reads looks at clock shrugs skips
Happy Birthday, Birthday people!
I don't know if they have it in Ireland, but in Scotland and Yorkshire I found something called Eirn Brew, or something like that. It was orange and chock full of caffiene. Good stuff
Irn Bru! Which, so the advertisers assured us, is made in Scotland from girders. It is a timeless hangover cure classic.
Also? Ticky box is the cutest thing ever in the history of ever.