I'd love it, Sparky. I love eggplant. The shower-ee, NSM, but I'll make it for us.
Potential Menu (barring any nixing from her husband)
Crudités (Carrots,Tomatoes,Sliced Peppers,Jamaica,Ranch Dip)
Various Cheese and Crackers w/grapes
Spinach Salad (Spinach,Sweet red peppers,Grape tomatoes,Blue cheese (on the side),Almond slices,Vinaigrette Dressing)
Pasta (Ziti,Chicken breast,Broccoli,Light cream sauce (on the side) (Three cheese tortellini,Pesto sauce)
Italian Bread and Butter
Lemon Pound Cake
Chocolate Cake (tbd)
Iced Tea
Insent, Aimee.
If you post a menu like that, you risk having all of us show up as gate crashers.
Hee! I'd probably have more fun!
Aimee, take a stroll through TJs. In addition to their spanikopita, they have mini quiches that are pretty good, and carmelized onion and feta in phyllo that were good, and other stuff.
Thanks Lee!
Games I'm doing:
Guess the TV daughters
Count the M&M's (big jar of pink and brown M&M's)
Guess the date/time
And also having a raffle - for every bag of diapers and/or wipes you bring, you get raffle tickets for a BIG PRIZE!
Speaking of mocking with love, I think Jilli locked Pete in a wardrobe. Haven't seen him in awhile.
I have not! He's been busy with stuff. Not deadline stuff, but other stuff.
I have stayed home sick again. I'm feeling better than yesterday, but still shaky enough that I didn't want to face the office.
Happy birthday, billytea!
yes, wrod.
Just be sure not to be like Monica in "Friends" and leave your nail in one of the quiches.
Wow, that's right, bt is a Virgo, too.
Have a great birthday, bt.
People are stupid.
That is my mantra of the day.
Sadly, my mantra of the day seems to be I am stupid. (does that make me people?) (or Soylent Green?).
This morning, I went through the Carl's Jr. drivethrough, ordered food and an OJ, went to the window, gave the woman my money, got my change, got my OJ, and drove away.
It took me three blocks before I realized why my car didn't smell of fast food.
carmelized onion and feta in phyllo that were good
Correction: they were the shizznit. Total culinary GUH.
I am now at work, and surviving so far. Everyone is being super-solicitous and happy to see me, and apparently the circus came by the ward yesterday to cheer up the kids and left behind a crate of clown noses.
The Halloweenie has hiccups, which is really disconcerting given that her hiccuppy face is nestled into my pelvis. Doesn't hurt, but feels profoundly weird.
Happy Birthday, BT! VIRGOS RULE!!!