carmelized onion and feta in phyllo that were good
Correction: they were the shizznit. Total culinary GUH.
I am now at work, and surviving so far. Everyone is being super-solicitous and happy to see me, and apparently the circus came by the ward yesterday to cheer up the kids and left behind a crate of clown noses.
The Halloweenie has hiccups, which is really disconcerting given that her hiccuppy face is nestled into my pelvis. Doesn't hurt, but feels profoundly weird.
Happy Birthday, BT! VIRGOS RULE!!!
Aimee - I'm marking your post for ideas for food for my mom's b-day party. I am an awful party planner and a worse cook. SHE is the cook in our house, so me doing food will be interesting.
Shoot, right now I'm stuck trying to figure out what time to have the party. I'm thinking Saturday afternoon - but how early to how late is making my brain melt.
The Halloweenie has hiccups, which is really disconcerting given that her hiccuppy face is nestled into my pelvis. Doesn't hurt, but feels profoundly weird.
Heeeeeeeeee! I had those with K-Bug but not CJ. It was the oddest feeling.
Wrod, Lisah, and as a Wirefiend Virgo, I'm feeling all empowered and shit. We rule!
Now I need ideas for a nice party favor.
Maybe I'll do chocolate lollipops. I can use milk chocolate chips and white chocolate chips and dye the white chocolate chips pink.
These are the invitations: [link]
The niece is still cute: [link]
And for Trudes, "Don't you touch my Hello Kitty!" [link]
I am SO evil. I wrote an inappropriate letter to a job poster, just to relieve my feelings. I told her that at least I understand the difference between "wearing" and "waring" a hat, and that while I may be bored, a "board" is generally a piece of lumber. I wished her good luck finding an applicant with good English-usage skills. Heh heh heh. I figure it's a freebie for me, I've got no chance of law-firm employment, what with my zero experience in that venue.
Those invitations are so cute!
Do you think so?
What about the chocolate lollipop idea for favors? I was thinking 4 lollys, 2 milk chocolate, 2 "pink" chocolate, tied with pink and brown ribbon.