vw, hang on in there. If three starts feeling far away, call your therapist just in case.
Are there times when heat works? Because when my lower back hurts, the idea of ice makes me shudder, as well as being kind of problematic logistically.
Heat can be used to relax muscles. Cold is used to reduce inflammation--if inflammation is causing the pain, heat will exacerbate it. The body's initial response to most injuries is to swell, so ice is recommended in the first 48 hours, as since mentioned. After that point, it really depends on the problem.
Ice always makes me shudder, in idea or application, but even though my instincts revolted, it is much better on
lower back, and can be applied before the pain starts (after exertion) to prevent it from ever showing up.
The body's initial response to most injuries is to swell, so ice is recommended in the first 48 hours, as since mentioned.
Good to know. I ice anything I bump or jam, right away, but with my back I don't think it's injury so much as tightness, stress, and a bad mattress.
Thanks, guys. I think I'll be ok. The mail just came, which means I have a new Veronica Mars DVD. I'm gonna watch one episode then jump in the shower. After that it'll be time to head out for therapy.
Not having a good day. Didn't sleep last night. I think I was afraid I'd start having the planes-fly-into-the-building (overandoverandover...) dream again. Feel icky and can't concentrate, focus eyes, or find motivation. Plus I have mislaid some silver beads intended to complete a gift for MIL. Woe is me, for I dinna think I'll find their like again.
Sophie provided amusement this morning with a creative choice in found toys I don't really want her to have. She got hold of a prescription bottle with one deworming pill inside, found out it rattled, figured out how to pick it up by the cap end, and spent an hour batting it around. Prudently I took this away and replaced it with an empty one, but I put in a piece of candy for the sound effect. Off she went, like she had jet fuel for breakfast. Youth is grand.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, guys!!
Especially the ones that were in bold.
Especially the ones that were in bold.
How about color? Did you like the ones in color?
headdesk. headdesk. headdesk.
I am so tired of not having any support from my accounting manager. I want my assistant back. I want her life and her health to magically be fixed so I can selfishly be able to do my job the way I'm supposed to be able to do it.
whiney, whiney, whine.
Translation font:
that's cow for "happy birthday"
Happy Birthday P-Cow!
Extra formatting, just for you!
We've been trying to teach Emeline animal sounds.
Me: Em, what does a cow say?
Em: Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!
Me: Em, what does a sheep say?
Em: Sheep! Sheep! Sheep!
Me: Em, what does a bear say?
Em: Beeeearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
t /Emeline likes carrots and sheep and bears and cows