Seanie! I've seen promos for your TV show, but I had no idea you were working on it.
That's what I was working on back in March, April and May.
I hope it got whatever numbers lead to a very long series of them!
I hope so too. The production office is mostly shut down, but not completely. They hope to reopen it again, soon.;
Sean! Super news! DH saw the promo for that and told me to tape it. And we didn't know you were involved!!
Aimee - what is the topic for this one?
The link between thimerosal and autism.
Right now, if anyone tried to sell me a finished dissertation I could hand in, I'd be there like a shot. They could have a kidney, my firstborn, whatever. WHY WON'T THIS STUPID THING FINISH ITSELF?
Jars, FWIW, I felt like this often, even when it was almost done. I talked a lot about quitting and my friends thought I was insane because "it's almost done" and "you put so much time into it"--aaargh. They just didn't get what a huge thing it was. It wasn't for nothing that I sent out birth announcements after my defense.
Good luck, Laura! I hope it works out for you.
Say, Aimeé. Here's some info on a study that might be relevant to your paper: [link]
By some calculations, children given the usual schedule of vaccines containing thimerosal receive ethylmercury in doses exceeding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines for methylmercury, a known neurotoxicant. Because of the lack of pharmacokinetic and toxicity data for ethylmercury, methylmercury has been used as a reference for ethylmercury toxicity based on the assumption that the two compounds share similar toxicokinetic profiles. However, a new animal study shows that methylmercury is an inadequate reference for ethylmercury due to significant differences in tissue distribution, clearance rates, and ratios of organic to inorganic mercury in the brain.
The link between thimerosal and autism
I would swear I heard a news report about that over the weekend.
edit: there was also a report about the risk of autism with children of older dads. Older defined as late 50s and later.