Sex ed, mechanics of safe flirting, how to drink properly and not make an ass out of yourself (with extra credit - Fernet: Devil's Brew or Best Medicine Ever?), theatre etiquette, How To Make An Actor (or someone else) Do What They're Told Already.
We already have a shitload: me, Kristin, ChiKat, Gris, Kat, Emily...am I missing anyone?
And in my non-Buff circle o' friends, I have...F, J, T, G. All totally offkilter.
I think if I took the History Praxis and passed, I could have cert in History, too. I'm pretty pos I could pass. I fuckin' ROCKED the English Praxis. 99%
Cindy, thanks for the youtube link. I've been looking for that opening.
Welcome, SCube!
It's not Praxis, but it is Praxis-like. The State of Illinois has their own exams and I had to take four of them: Basic Skills, 2 content area exams (English and Theatre because that's what I'm getting certified in) and Assessment of Professional Teaching.
I've heard Illinois is pretty tough. A dear friend attended school there. But from what I've heard, it's worth it!
For additional certifications in Illinois, you have to have at least 30 class hours in the subject plus pass the content exam. Since I have my MFA, I have the class hours well done.
One of the reasons it has taken me so long to finish is that I have 2 theatre degrees. So, I had to take enough English classes for an equivalent of a BA in English.
Well, that and I have been working full-time the entire time I've been going to school. Slows down the number of classes you can take any given semester.
theatre etiquette
This is something I will seriously incorporate into my classes. No question.
ION, after this smoke, I need to get ready for a party. IT's coolish out -- I'm thinking hot pink tap pants, black push-up bra, nude wide-weave fishnets, black pencil skirt, indigo vneck sweater, and chocolate wedges with pink ribbon bows.
Hair: Long and tousled.
Eye makeup: light gold, with black eyeliner.
Lips: Classic red
Glasses: Deep red
Perfume: Allure
Erin's going to be The Hottie at the party. Which, frankly, no surprises there.
Erin is chuffed by the pulling out of the tights and sweaters without melting!
Okay, off to the Slut Cave! (i.e. bathroom)
Getting ready music: She Wants Revenge
Okay, off to the Slut Cave! (i.e. bathroom)
I suddenly have the mental image of Robin (I) helping you get dressed. With him are Britney Spears, Buffy, and Janet from Rocky Horror acting as his assistants.