Hi, all!! Education conversation ties in nicely to my afternoon. I just took my last state mandated test for my certification. Yay!!! I also got the last bits of my paperwork turned in for student teaching next semester. Now, it's just finishing one more class and waiting for a placement (which probably won't happen until mid-December).
It's taken me 4 years to complete a 2 year program, but I see light at the end of the tunnel.
Good deal, ChiKat! Was it the Praxis?
And what's your area of cert -- I forgot...
Yay ChiKat!
I think more Buffistas should become teachers. It would be very helpful with that World Domination plan.
Good deal, ChiKat! Was it the Praxis?
It's not Praxis, but it is Praxis-like. The State of Illinois has their own exams and I had to take four of them: Basic Skills, 2 content area exams (English and Theatre because that's what I'm getting certified in) and Assessment of Professional Teaching.
Sex ed, mechanics of safe flirting, how to drink properly and not make an ass out of yourself (with extra credit - Fernet: Devil's Brew or Best Medicine Ever?), theatre etiquette, How To Make An Actor (or someone else) Do What They're Told Already.
We already have a shitload: me, Kristin, ChiKat, Gris, Kat, Emily...am I missing anyone?
And in my non-Buff circle o' friends, I have...F, J, T, G. All totally offkilter.
I think if I took the History Praxis and passed, I could have cert in History, too. I'm pretty pos I could pass. I fuckin' ROCKED the English Praxis. 99%
Cindy, thanks for the youtube link. I've been looking for that opening.
Welcome, SCube!