Fabulous kitty news: No FIV nor FeLV. She's okay to live in the house with the other cats. You would not believe how extremely gross her bath water was. I'm not even going to use any adjectives to describe that situation.
Not such good news: She's in her teens, is very skinny, has a heart murmur and probably anemia and liver trouble. Plus "horrible" dental disease. I can't afford to do anything about those things. However, all I really wanted was to know that instead of crouching in the driveway, huddling near the house, she will be living inside the house and lounging on the carpet, where she will be clean and warm, safe and dry, well-fed and untroubled by the nastiness the world has to offer. So I didn't save the world today. Big deal. I did make a difference to someone.
Also I found out my sister's kitty-loving friends offered to pony up some $$$ towards her adoption expenses. Bless them.
She's now curled up on with the warmie under a chair here in the study. I expect she's quite tired out from the surprising day she's had so far. She did summon up the energy to give a bit of a purr. So we'll see how this story plays out.
Am no longer at court. Am at work. Am under orders to return to court tomorrow at 9:30 am. On the good side, I'm not one of the first 18 pulled into the box. On the bad side, I wasn't one of the 100 that have already been excused.
Judge promised that the jury will be chosen tomorrow. Lovely. Just lovely.
Eeek, Suzi--best "not being on the jury vibes" sent to you--been there, got picked, lasted way too long, haven't been nearly so into Law and Order since! :)
I feel like I have the worst hangover, and I didn't even drink. Sleep hangover, I think. Hugs and ~ma to all who need them.
Teacup Guy's first day went well. He thanks everyone for the good luck wishes.
Heh, the prosecutor talked about how she didn't like Law and Order - how there was conveniently all the perfect evidence to be wrapped up in a nice little package.
So, school started today. All three classes had us fill out info sheets. All asked about e-mail and Internet access. One asked how often we surfed the Internet. Our choices were once a day, every few days, every few weeks, seldom.
Hello! You mean people don't "surf the net" more than once a day???
Well, they think it's a bunch of tubes, like a bottle of soda pop. You only drink one a day, right?
Once a day? Well, maybe if once means all day long.