Am no longer at court. Am at work. Am under orders to return to court tomorrow at 9:30 am. On the good side, I'm not one of the first 18 pulled into the box. On the bad side, I wasn't one of the 100 that have already been excused.
Judge promised that the jury will be chosen tomorrow. Lovely. Just lovely.
Eeek, Suzi--best "not being on the jury vibes" sent to you--been there, got picked, lasted way too long, haven't been nearly so into Law and Order since! :)
I feel like I have the worst hangover, and I didn't even drink. Sleep hangover, I think. Hugs and ~ma to all who need them.
Teacup Guy's first day went well. He thanks everyone for the good luck wishes.
Heh, the prosecutor talked about how she didn't like Law and Order - how there was conveniently all the perfect evidence to be wrapped up in a nice little package.
So, school started today. All three classes had us fill out info sheets. All asked about e-mail and Internet access. One asked how often we surfed the Internet. Our choices were once a day, every few days, every few weeks, seldom.
Hello! You mean people don't "surf the net" more than once a day???
Well, they think it's a bunch of tubes, like a bottle of soda pop. You only drink one a day, right?
Once a day? Well, maybe if once means all day long.
On the other hand, I've been asked, as one of 8 students, to test a new eportfolio system on the campus website. So, some people know I have an Internet addiction and find it useful.