t skipping hundreds of posts
I'm in London! Today I have seen the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and Trafalgar Square. I also went through the National Gallery, which was incredible. GF is sick and taking a nap. When she wakes up, I think we're going to Camden Market. Woot!!
Eat a muffin, whitey!
Every time I see something like a chocolate chip bagel, this runs through my head.
Yay, London! I wish I could walk into a pub this afternoon and order a pint of their best bitter. I hope the GF feels better soon. It's miserable to be sick on vacation.
Cindy, I'm impressed with your ability to create Dadaist parsley with your thumbs. Erika for president!
Oooh, London. I loved London. I want to go back to Harrods, just to walk through the coffin department. Surrreal.
Hope the GF recovers quickly, GC. How long are you two there for?
Yay London! You're just a couple hundred miles south of me, RIGHT NOW! I'm waving, can you see?
You must go to the British Museum. Mmm, stuff...
Poor GF caught my cold. It left me fairly quickly so I'm hoping she'll be better in a day or so. We're here until 9/10. I'm getting antsy to go do more, but GF is still sleeping.
Annoying thing: I can't seem to get mac.com to load. I need to check my email, dude!
ETA: We are totally going to the British Museum. Can't wait!
ooo, London. Kiss it for me.
Snark at the their justification for keeping the Elgin marbles for me. And go across the street to the Museum pub.
{{{Cindy}}} I hope you got a little bit of sleep.
GC, have fun in London! Go to the Victoria and Albert Museum if you get the chance, and if you want to have a truly wonderful afternoon tea, go to the Savoy. I hope your GF feels better soon.
Is that related to Modest Mouse?
Nope. 19th century Russian composer.
I am hangover-free, woo!