Dawn: I thought you were adequate. Giles: And the accolades keep pouring in. I'd best take my leave before my head swells any larger. Good night.

'First Date'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

vw bug - Aug 31, 2006 4:14:46 am PDT #1059 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

So she had to hire movers at the last minute and is spending $1200 that she wasn't planning on. Budget rental SUX.

Oh, god. That's awful. Uhaul does the same kind of thing. At least they called her? I've heard of people showing up at Uhaul and not getting a truck. But, still, that sucks majorly. I'm so sorry. I hope she's gonna be ok.

Oh, and just for the fun of it, I just figured out what the landlords owe us in interest (since they haven't paid yearly, blah, blah, blah). It's an extra $1260 on top of our security deposit. Any betting Bitches that wanna make a wager that that's not gonna be added to our check?

Laura - Aug 31, 2006 4:22:20 am PDT #1060 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

Please return our security deposit within the next 30 days. You can mail it to:

I would change it to read security deposit and interest.

May it all be over soon my dear vw.

Head ~ma to the twin. Ouch.

ion, I need to get my wireless keyboard to work, now.

vw bug - Aug 31, 2006 4:25:10 am PDT #1061 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

Oh, dear. Cambridge landlord just called, because she noticed there's still a lot of stuff in the apartment. Huh. Interesting. She hasn't had my permission to be there.

Then she said, "Well, good luck with school and work. I have your phone number, so we'll keep in touch."

My ass. After, well, now, I won't be answering the phone when you call. Or returning your messages, for that matter.

Oh, and she wanted to make sure things would be nice and clean. Well, maybe you should have told your husband to clean up after himself.

Is it midnight yet?

meara - Aug 31, 2006 4:29:33 am PDT #1062 of 10000

Eww. Evil landlords.

And I knew UHaul sucked, but sorry to hear Budget does too.

what became a huge deal was saying, "Why do you have to exclude people on a penis/no penis basis?"

Heh. Imagine when you're dating another girl, who suddenly wants a....girls night out. Waiiiiiiiit....:) I do know people who've done it on a very butch/femme basis, which kinda cracks me up. I understand the impulse, but come ON!

Nora Deirdre - Aug 31, 2006 4:30:52 am PDT #1063 of 10000
I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast! (Bojack Horseman)

She hasn't had my permission to be there.

Did you point that out?

Oh, god. That's awful. Uhaul does the same kind of thing. At least they called her? I've heard of people showing up at Uhaul and not getting a truck. But, still, that sucks majorly. I'm so sorry. I hope she's gonna be ok.

Yeah, me too. I guess her mom was quite horrible to her about it, saying, "Are you trying to tell me that there are NO moving trucks in the ENTIRE city of Boston?" Um, YES!

Jessica - Aug 31, 2006 4:41:58 am PDT #1064 of 10000
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

Anyone else have the "which route do you take and why don't you go my way which is obviously infinitely more better?" arguement?

Oy. Short list of things I obviously know how to do better than DH, in spite of the fact that the end results between our two methods are virtually indistinguishable:

  • Chop onions
  • fast-forward on the Tivo
  • fold laundry
  • grate cheese
  • give directions

Budget called her the day before yesterday to inform her that there were no trucks available. Apparantly when she called to reserve a truck, did not actually qualify as a "reservation."

Yeah, UHaul does the same thing. To be fair, I think it's more the fault of people not returning their trucks on time -- they keep their prices low by not having extra trucks around. (Zipcar has the same problem.)

Emily - Aug 31, 2006 5:05:39 am PDT #1065 of 10000
"In the equation E = mc⬧, c⬧ is a pretty big honking number." - Scola

WindSparrow or Daniel, mine is the Compaq. It’s also the one the power cord goes to.

Mine, alas, was a Compaq as well. Must go shower. God, two more days...

vw bug - Aug 31, 2006 5:08:31 am PDT #1066 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

Mine, alas, was a Compaq as well. Must go shower. God, two more days...

Oh, really? Maybe mine was an IBM. Way to know you're computer, Val!

Volans - Aug 31, 2006 5:10:32 am PDT #1067 of 10000
move out and draw fire

New work by Bach found: [link]

We had the "why are you going this way" fight at lunch today, in fact. NSM a fight, just "let's go this way, it connects" "it connects, but it's faster to go XYZ because then we are taking the hypoteneuse, not the sides." "Yeah, but to get to the hypoteneuse we have to walk a couple blocks, so you have to add the length of that section." "No you don't." "Yes you do." "No you don't" "Yes you do"

We kept that part up all the way to the pizza place.

Chop onions

Yep. I can't even be in the kitchen when R cooks, because it's so hard to keep my mouth shut and maintain poker face.

Driving and navigating are now solely my province (provenance? not sure of the usage there). Actually getting things clean and doing math are solely his portfolio.

Jessica - Aug 31, 2006 5:15:46 am PDT #1068 of 10000
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

Yep. I can't even be in the kitchen when R cooks, because it's so hard to keep my mouth shut and maintain poker face.

It's infuriating! I mean, these are BASIC KNIFE SKILLS!!! Nevermind that the onion ends up in little pieces no matter which of us does it, his way is strange and wrong and I don't like it.