Saffron: I'll die. Mal: Well, as a courtesy, you might start getting busy on that, 'cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Jessica - Aug 31, 2006 5:15:46 am PDT #1068 of 10000
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

Yep. I can't even be in the kitchen when R cooks, because it's so hard to keep my mouth shut and maintain poker face.

It's infuriating! I mean, these are BASIC KNIFE SKILLS!!! Nevermind that the onion ends up in little pieces no matter which of us does it, his way is strange and wrong and I don't like it.

beekaytee - Aug 31, 2006 5:28:06 am PDT #1069 of 10000
Compassionately intolerant

Budget called her the day before yesterday to inform her that there were no trucks available. Apparantly when she called to reserve a truck, did not actually qualify as a "reservation."

This has happened every single time I, or a loved one, has tried to rent a truck. Except, in my world, you don't get the courtesy call...just the blank stare from the counter person upon arrival...and then the 3-5 hour ordeal of calling another store for a truck, offering to rent the manager's suv, begging and general rending of cloth.

-t - Aug 31, 2006 5:34:31 am PDT #1070 of 10000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

This is one for the plus column, where long relationships are concerned. You find yourself on the path to argument, but then take a look at the horizon and landmarks, and realize you're not trail-blazing. You're not even walking on a path. You're on a paved road, four lanes wide to a place neither of you wants to end up, so you reverse direction yourself.

This is something that our rabbi told is in the marriage seminar thing we did before we got married - that those arguments you have over and over become a familiar and comforting part of the relationship. Weird but true.

{{Daisy Jane}} Hope you are feeling better this morning. I haven't had to deal with the "boys night out" thing, really, but I've had lots of fights that I can't even remember what they were about, I was mostly mad because whatever I was originally mad about wasn't being taken seriously, and they suck.

Head~ma for Cashmere's twin.

Chopping onions is DH's job. He's generally much better at chopping than I am We're usually pretty in sync when it comes to directions. I control the remote almost exclusively. I am slowly training him to sort laundry to my stringent standards.

beth b - Aug 31, 2006 5:37:49 am PDT #1071 of 10000
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

I have a friend whose son worked for UHAL this summer. and had people yell at him becasue there were no Trucks - and in every case, people hadn't returned them. The number of people that don't return them on time is huge. and the number of people that argue about paying for them when they keep them longer than expected is huge.

sj - Aug 31, 2006 5:42:32 am PDT #1072 of 10000
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

{{{Daisy Jane}}} I hope you're feeling better today. I like girls night out and I really miss them since T moved, but we never excluded guys from coming totally, just as long as it wasn't every week.

Kick's vw's landlords Warning: I am not responsible for my actions if I get anywhere near them tonight.

Emily, I hope today goes much smoother for you.

beekaytee - Aug 31, 2006 5:42:52 am PDT #1073 of 10000
Compassionately intolerant

That makes mathic sense beth...still, it just seems like it happens every. single. time. I wonder if there is some sort of industry response that could change it. When we all have the flying cars we were promised, perhaps they'll invent a remote controlled, gps enabled system that shuts the truck down when your time is up. A team of repodudes shows up and all your Ikea 'Splorg' furniture are belong to them.

Laura - Aug 31, 2006 5:56:21 am PDT #1074 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

We had the "why are you going this way" fight at lunch today

Since we work together and live together we had to find a way around this one. If we are in my car, I drive and we go my way without comment. If we are in his car, we go his way without comment. This is particulary frustrating for him since I am totally random in my routing. I go the same places all the time, so I mix it up!

SailAweigh - Aug 31, 2006 5:56:30 am PDT #1075 of 10000
Nana korobi, ya oki. (Fall down seven times, stand up eight.) ~Yuzuru Hanyu/Japanese proverb

Oh, Beej, that is a totally clever solution to the moving problem. Timers on the trucks that turn the engine off. As long as they're not doing 55mph on the freeway or anything.

{{Daisy Jane}} I've no advice as I've been BF-less for years, now. Still, It was a sucky situation to find yourself in and dealing with the fallout isn't much better. I hope you do get to have a good talk with your DH to straighten it out.

vw, glad you're feeling better today. Man, your soon-to-be-ex-landlords make me want to commit something terrible upon their persons. I'm so angry at them, though, I can't think of what the worst thing I could do to them is! Nothing seems severe enough.

{{Cash!Twin}} Much pain-go-away~ma for Twin.

IOmeN, I have an eye doctor appointment today. I'm supposed to be on an annual schedule with this dude (he's a retina specialist), but I haven't seen him in four years. I'm willing to bet he wants to shoot me up with flourescent dye and take pictures inside the eyeball, again. Oh, joy. Not my favorite kind of appointment. The least they could do is give me a lollypop when it's all over.

Pix - Aug 31, 2006 5:59:11 am PDT #1076 of 10000
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

Hi all! I've been up since 7 even though I don't have to be in school until tonight (it's parent orientation night). Damn this whole internal clock reset thing. Then again, I wouldn't be sleeping now anyway since the guys retrofitting the foundation to be earthquake-safe are drilling or jackhammering or something underneath the house. Needless to say, ND is calmly sleeping through this. That man can sleep through anything. It's rather amazing.

ION, getting paid again after two months of no paychecks is good. But...okay, so I knew that I was taking a paycut to come to the new school. But seeing what that means in cold, hard net pay? Ouch.

beekaytee - Aug 31, 2006 6:09:55 am PDT #1077 of 10000
Compassionately intolerant

Oh gosh Sail...that sounds Perhaps necessary, but eesh. You make me feel like I dodged a huge bullet yesterday when I visited an eye doc for the first time is roughly 10 years. I'm having what Bing Crosby used to call 'tromboning' issues...age related far sightedness. (I blame my computer!) In the end, all I need is a good quality pair of reading glasses. (He did 'touch' my eye with that bright lighty thing and that was creepy...but injected dye? Oh my.)

The cheapest pair of frames, not actually glasses, the eye doc has are $150, even with my new found insurance! What is up with THAT?

Now I'm looking for a less expensive alternative...have you ever purchased glasses on line?