You're right. He's evil. But you should see him naked. I mean really!

Buffybot ,'Dirty Girls'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Aims - Aug 30, 2006 9:03:54 pm PDT #1050 of 10000
Shit's all sorts of different now.

THis is why I'm studying to be a social worker.

And then, I shall bill you all! Muahahahahahaha!

Aims - Aug 30, 2006 9:10:24 pm PDT #1051 of 10000
Shit's all sorts of different now.

Totally kidding. No billing, I promise.

Come back! If no one talks to me I hafta go to bed!

Daisy Jane - Aug 30, 2006 9:11:48 pm PDT #1052 of 10000
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

I'm reading Farscape recaps and downloading Conviction episodes, because I miss me some JAR.

Cass - Aug 30, 2006 9:12:22 pm PDT #1053 of 10000
Bob's learned to live with tragedy, but he knows that this tragedy is one that won't ever leave him or get better.

And then, I shall bill you all!
You evil greedy bitch!

t /Footballers Wife

I edit cause I got my slur on wrong.

beth b - Aug 30, 2006 10:03:56 pm PDT #1054 of 10000
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

now for bed. Talked to matt - and he had good stuff to talk about - but everytime he complained - because of haveing to get up early tomorrow, I told him my problems were so much more important. shorthand for the life in front of me is the most important.

Topic!Cindy - Aug 31, 2006 2:12:59 am PDT #1055 of 10000
What is even happening?

beth, I'd love to have a plumber in my neighborhood, but would rather not find out the hard way in which you found out. I hope your hand feels better, today.

Cashmere, how's your poor sister?

Daisy Jane, that sort of disagreement is so hurtful. I hope you're feelign more at ease, this morning. Sometimes, I wonder if boys-night and/or girls-night isn't just a convenient catch phrase or shorthand for how you phrased it further down in your first post:

I've been thinking about the need to be away from your significant other, whether because you've been around each other too much lately or because you need to establish yourself as a whole other person again, and I suppose that could be justification for a "boys night out." But even then, wouldn't it just be easier to say, "I need to get away from youandme for a while, you could probably use the break too why don't you go grab that comic book/yarn/bath crap you've been eyeing and have yourself a night while I go out." Of course that would mean that you've been holding up your end of the relationship bargain, and not neglecting her feelings.

It can be hard for some people to say, "I want to do this with them tonight, on my own," because they feel like they're saying, "I don't want to be with you," and assume you're going to hear it that way, and the "don't want to be with you," isn't their main goal, it's just a facet of doing their own thing. It's hard to find a non-hurtful way to say, "I just want to do my own thing, tonight."

Anyone else have the "which route do you take and why don't you go my way which is obviously infinitely more better?" arguement?

Hee. Not too much any more, but I am tempted to say any argument we've ever had has either been the above, or a variation on, "I'm mad at you, because I think you're mad at me."

I just do the whole arguement

I don't know why you are going this way, it is the harder way. ,I would do it different. you just felt like it and Im not driving so I'll be quiet now

Whee! I do too, now, beth. This is one for the plus column, where long relationships are concerned. You find yourself on the path to argument, but then take a look at the horizon and landmarks, and realize you're not trail-blazing. You're not even walking on a path. You're on a paved road, four lanes wide to a place neither of you wants to end up, so you reverse direction yourself.

vw bug - Aug 31, 2006 3:04:11 am PDT #1056 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

Also, which one is yours, so Dan knows where to look for the iTunes stuff?

WindSparrow or Daniel, mine is the Compaq. It’s also the one the power cord goes to.

Awwww…Cash’s twin! No fun! Ok~ma headed her way.


BWAH! And, yes, I was in bed…


I’m trying to decide how to schedule my day. sj and teacup guy are coming for lunch, which is going to be so nice. I was going to go clean at the Cambridge apartment this morning, but got up later than I meant to. So, now I’m wondering if it’s worth it (it takes at least an hour to get there and then another hour to get home, since I don’t have mom’s car anymore). I’m starting to think that I’ll just go over there and meet everyone for the Pizza and Curb Party tonight, then do the cleaning afterwards. Part of me really wants to be at the apartment till 11:59pm anyway. So, this way I’d have something to do. Then I can just take a cab home.

That way I can clean up things a bit here. I’ve been bringing stuff over from the Cambridge apartment that I don’t know what I’m gonna do with yet. It’s kind of strewn all over the apartment. I’d like it to be a bit more straightened up when I have guests for lunch. I know sj and teacup guy won’t care (because they’re sweeties), but I care. I like having it nice.

I think that’s the new plan.

vw bug - Aug 31, 2006 3:18:07 am PDT #1057 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

ION, I have drafted this letter to leave with the keys when I leave the apartment tonight. Any thoughts?

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Landlord,

Enclosed are the three sets of keys for Cambridge apartment. The apartment is empty, clean, and ready for the new tenants.

Please return our security deposit within the next 30 days. You can mail it to:

vw bug in Roslindale

I will distribute the funds to Not!Emily and Emily.


vw bug for Emily, Not!Emily, and vw bug

Also, retardo Not!Emily didn't leave his keys. So, I'm going to go get a copy made today, so I can leave three sets. Stupido.

eta: As far as the letter is concerned, I'm going for short, sweet, to the point, and no indication that they may not have heard the last from me.

Nora Deirdre - Aug 31, 2006 4:10:48 am PDT #1058 of 10000
I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast! (Bojack Horseman)

hey vw, glad to see you are doing better this morning. I spoke to my friend B, who is moving to Northampton, and had arranged to rent a Budget truck today and drive it out there tomorrow. Budget called her the day before yesterday to inform her that there were no trucks available. Apparantly when she called to reserve a truck, did not actually qualify as a "reservation."

She's been having a horrible time of things lately (like, I am nervous that she might kill herself) and is trying to start fresh in Northampton, and the stress of moving in general, and then this... and her family's belittling her over how could this happen? And, UGH.

So she had to hire movers at the last minute and is spending $1200 that she wasn't planning on. Budget rental SUX.

I hope Cash's sister is doing OK.

I wish Tom had more opportunities to socialize without me, but that's because he has none and I worry about him.

vw bug - Aug 31, 2006 4:14:46 am PDT #1059 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

So she had to hire movers at the last minute and is spending $1200 that she wasn't planning on. Budget rental SUX.

Oh, god. That's awful. Uhaul does the same kind of thing. At least they called her? I've heard of people showing up at Uhaul and not getting a truck. But, still, that sucks majorly. I'm so sorry. I hope she's gonna be ok.

Oh, and just for the fun of it, I just figured out what the landlords owe us in interest (since they haven't paid yearly, blah, blah, blah). It's an extra $1260 on top of our security deposit. Any betting Bitches that wanna make a wager that that's not gonna be added to our check?