- and even told him the baby's name! -- why wouldn't she have mentioned that she and the babydaddy were married, by the way?
She did. She said his last name was Targaryan, not Sand. That's means they were married.
'War Stories'
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- and even told him the baby's name! -- why wouldn't she have mentioned that she and the babydaddy were married, by the way?
She did. She said his last name was Targaryan, not Sand. That's means they were married.
A scene was cut explaining the turnaround on Littlefinger. Apparently that wasn't playacting by Arya to fool Littlefinger. Pretty sloppy storytelling to leave this information out:
That cut scene is pretty lazy storytelling in itself.
That cut scene is pretty lazy storytelling in itself.
Right? You've got an omniscient character in the room. That's kind of cheating.
We watched 1.5 eps of American Gods and I kind of hate it. Will that change or is the season the same? And I love Ricky Whittle (Shadow Moon) and Ian McShane and was really excited for this show. Sigh.
Oh dear! Sad to hear that because I haven't watched yet and want to love it.
Also, holding off on watching the last 2 GoT episodes to delay season's end. I don't like to watch the last ones available often on series because then I don't have any more. It is irrational, but I seem to do it often. (and don't mind being spoiled at all)
I don't know Glam. I loved it from the beginning. So, it's hard to say.
I enjoyed American Gods, but I can see how someone might not.
Glam, what is it that you hated about it?