Gah, Jon Snow is the stupidest fucking general in military history.
What a dumbass. When Sansa specifically told him that Ramsay would play him, that Rickon was already doomed, to not do what Ramsay wanted him to do.
Which was force a direct charge into a superior force when Jon's entire plan was to draw Bolton's army forward, collapse the middle and do a pincer attack.
Fucking Starks. Too stupid to live. (Still annoyed at Arya roaming around uncovered when the Waif was after her.)
You know nothing, Jon Snow. Your job description is not "HERO" but "GENERAL." Oh never, mind you're just a pretty brick. I thought you'd have a plan. You had a reaction.
Fortunately, Sansa saved the day.
Did love her smile. And I know she's got a knife ready for Littlefinger down the line.
Loved Yara flirting with Dany.
Once again asshole men underestimate Dany and wind up on fire.