I watched most of The Normal Heart yesterday, and really liked it. My sister said "Ruffalo/Bomer, how can you skip that?" but it was so much more. Oh, the anger, the pain--any AIDS-related movie set in the early 80s is not going to be a mood lifter, but I thought this was well done, and Ruffalo's character especially was interesting and interestingly handled.
I'd give it a rec.
Although they give AIDS stats after the movie ends, they don't talk about improvements in treatment--I know there's a clear message they're trying to get across, but I do think that only scrolling the horror is...well, there's so much AIDS horror, I guess.
I missed the start of it, but I have set it to record the whole thing. Maybe it's even a downloader (does HBO Go take stuff off? I could keep watching it there...).
I think it was undersold. I've seen billboards for it, but no promos on HBO that told me what it was going to be about or even when it was set. I don't think that's all on me--I see a lot of HBO promos.
Is Jim Parsons gay? I counted three actors, if he is, that I think/know are queer--Bomer, BD Wong, and him. I can see how this must have been an attractive story for someone to whom it's so integrally relevant (although, really, all of us--just in the early 80s, NSM).
Oh! And for "adapted from a play", finally, I was completely unable to tell. It didn't have any of the stiffness or awkwardness that the translation often comes with.
Have a look.
does HBO Go take stuff off?
HBO Go almost never takes anything down. I've been watching stuff from ten years ago.
Okay, at least three, then. BD Wong didn't seem to have a speaking role, which made me sad. I love him madly.
None of the performances were bad, but Ruffallo (I should look up that spelling someday) and Bomer were really on fire. Oh! And Taylor Kitsch. I couldn't even work out who it was (his hair is shorter and blond and he's in three piece suits a lot. He did a good job too, maybe his best since FNL, unless I've missed any non-Battleship-like jaunts.
I saw a lot of promos for The Normal Heart, fwtw.
Between which shows? I'd been looking out for it, but it never seemed to be mentioned in my GoT/Silicon Valley/Veep block, which is my major planned HBO watching. Nor in my ad hoc viewing.
Good to know it might be around for a while.
I remember seeing a bunch of billboards (and maybe subway and bus ads?) advertising Normal Heart in NY.
I can't actually recall the promos or when I saw them, but I know a surprising lot about it considering I haven't seen it and I assume that info came from some sort of trailer like thing. Maybe not, could have heard interviews on the radio or the like.
I remember seeing a bunch of billboards (and maybe subway and bus ads?) advertising Normal Heart in NY.
Yeah, that's pretty much the kind of promotion I saw for it, so I didn't really know what I was going into. Didn't mind at all.
interviews on the radio or the like.
What is this ray-dee-oh of which you speak? (one of the things on my list of to-spends was to get my car one yanked and replaced with an MP3 device doc, but that'll have to wait). The one I have at home is open to a new home, going cheap--also does CD and has an audio input so you can plug in your MP3 devices! Call for more detail.
My drive to work and back is so short that cuing up an iPod to have something to listen to is more trouble than it's worth. I leave the radio tuned to NPR and catch a few minutes of whatever happens to be airing. So sometimes I acquire random information that way. Sometimes I turn the sound system completely off and listen to my thoughts. That's pretty weird, but sometimes hits the spot.
It's very much like how I will get a couple minutes of whatever is showing on whatever channel my DVR was last recording on when I check to make sure the programming for later tonight is correct. Which is another potential source for Normal Heart promotional material, I suppose.