Amy, I want to offer advice, but I've got nothing. I know they're in the back half of Storm of Swords now, so if you jump in on the next one, there will be major plot you will have missed. On the other hand, there are things that are different from the books, and there are some things that are moved forward, shoved back, eliminated entirely even though they're important to the book plot.
As do I. For one thing, he's bearded now. It's still not quite the forked, painted beard, but these are concessions I'm willing to make.
Somehow, I don't think that would play well onscreen.
Somehow, I don't think that would play well onscreen.
Agreed. Same with Salador Saan. Although I still kind of miss how colorful they're both supposed to be.
Speaking of color, the costume designers have associated the color blue with far too many characters. Give us some nice green, or purple. Green would have been fantastic for Margaery, what with the botanical theme, but no. Blue.
I was just paging through Storm of Swords, and I bet I could jump in at the halfway point or so.
Speaking of color, the costume designers have associated the color blue with far too many characters. Give us some nice green, or purple. Green would have been fantastic for Margaery, what with the botanical theme, but no. Blue.
Yes. Although they're apparently far more detailed close up. Like even-more-insanely-detailed-than-LotR, with a lot of really gorgeous, intricate embroidery.
I was just paging through Storm of Swords, and I bet I could jump in at the halfway point or so.
Amy, fair enough. The Wiki of Ice and Fire is wonderful, if you need a reference for anything.
Although they're apparently far more detailed close up.
Sean, having seen them in person, I can affirm that that is true.
OK saw True Detective. First kudos for using as a theme song the only C&W song ever written about doomed loved between a man and a cactus. (And btw damn good song, not funny in spite of my description - very Goth). [link]
Secondly while I understand all the fangasms about the Yellow King reference, the show seems to me much more about toxic overboard masculinity. The "happy ending" could be taken as an argument against my point - though it can also be taken as giving a finger to brave doomed warrior ethos both detectives share (in spite of only Rusty voicing it).
Also saw the first two seasons of True Blood. It went fairly fast cause I fast forwarded through every scene that was Jason centric. Sadly I understand that he has made through six seasons without dying a horrible painful death.
Jason has had periods of awesomeness. No, really!
True Detective - I'm not sure it's actually about anything. I liked it, but I approach it as pulp. I do really like the way they handled the setting.
Somebody at tee fury, or one of those sites, needs to do an Arya-as-Calvin, The Hound-as-Hobbes walking through the woods shirt. Because I would buy like fifty of those.