OK saw True Detective. First kudos for using as a theme song the only C&W song ever written about doomed loved between a man and a cactus. (And btw damn good song, not funny in spite of my description - very Goth). [link]
Secondly while I understand all the fangasms about the Yellow King reference, the show seems to me much more about toxic overboard masculinity. The "happy ending" could be taken as an argument against my point - though it can also be taken as giving a finger to brave doomed warrior ethos both detectives share (in spite of only Rusty voicing it).
Also saw the first two seasons of True Blood. It went fairly fast cause I fast forwarded through every scene that was Jason centric. Sadly I understand that he has made through six seasons without dying a horrible painful death.
Jason has had periods of awesomeness. No, really!
True Detective - I'm not sure it's actually about anything. I liked it, but I approach it as pulp. I do really like the way they handled the setting.
Somebody at tee fury, or one of those sites, needs to do an Arya-as-Calvin, The Hound-as-Hobbes walking through the woods shirt. Because I would buy like fifty of those.
Yes! They need to be riding down a hill in an out-of-control little red wagon while they have the sword-naming conversation.
The actor who plays Bronn used to be in a band.
Internet film school: [link]
I find myself so oddly overprotective of Jason Stackhouse because yes, in the early seasons he was kind of just about the dumb and the sex and the naked but there was a time during his first go round with the Fellowship of the Sun when he became absolutely made of awesome. It's sad to see how much his character has regressed in later seasons, but his period of shining amazing was such that I'll always root for him. And he grew up with Sookie, who may be the certifiable worst person in the universe, so he had to be a little bit fucked up.
I would so be down for an Arya and the Hound show. I want her to be the last Stark standing.
I want her to be the last Stark standing.
Bran finds this joke to be in poor taste.