I am still watching. I stopped really enjoying the show a long time ago. Now it's just out of habit. The only one I can still stand even a little is Lafayette and so far this season all he's had to do is be Sam's nanny. Sigh. I do enjoy Sarah and Steve Newlin. I'd rather watch a show about them than any of these other characters.
I just want to know why all werewolves are so skank-nasty on this show. Aren't there any just normal ones? I'm not even asking for high class. I'll take ones that are not drawn as hillbilly/trailer trash stereotypes.
I do enjoy Eric much more this season now that he's away from Sookie. She ruins everything.
I've never gotten what was supposed to be enticing about Bill. He's been awful pretty much since the very beginning when he manipulated Sookie into drinking his blood and then started a sexual relationship with her without disclosing the effect that could be having on her. He's never really redeemed himself form that, or even tried to as far as I can tell. And now on top of that, he's the stupidest god of all time. You think you're immune to flames now? Why not just stick your hand out from under the porch and see what happens before you go all Jesus Christ Superstar posing on your front lawn? Ugh. Stupidest deity ever. I'll take Maryanne back over him.
We finished "Hemlock Grove." Man, that season finale was the WORST. As bad as the series is, I really didn't think it could get worse. But then guess what? Boom goes the finale.
I cannot believe such a sack of shit was bought wholesale by netflix. Interesting ideas, but the writing is atrocious and the pacing of events is worse.
Having watched S1 of American Horror Story now--THAT'S WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE, IDIOTS.
The Game of Thrones video you have to watch.
Ha! I just watched that elsewhere and thought--wait, didn't I not click on a link on Premium because I was at work? Let me check that out...
I do like the line about Ned Stark being invulnerable because he's the main character because he's on the poster--but why are any deaths still shocking after that? I mean, even though he's Sean Bean.
There's a line something like "I should know better by now" after that.
But they still make the joke about the next seasons. You can only milk that so far, and that ultra coy fake fakeout was way past the sell by.
I think this is interesting discussion about her character;s nudity in GoT: [link] I wonder why not a merkin? Are we all pretending adult women just show up that way?
Apparently Oona Chaplin says she had no problem doing nude scenes as long as they honour the female form. What does that have to do with the story being told?
I do agree with the general disgruntlement about how much more we see of women than men--subjectively I feel like we even see more topless women than shirtless men, which is kinda ridic.
Sometimes I think that SNL skit may have had something to it: [link]