True Blood is really just so bad now. It used to be a fun show. What happened to the fun? I guess we are supposed to laugh at Arlene and Terry and Andy and their pack 'o fae, but really? That story was tired before tired was even a thing. I enjoyed the two seconds of Lafayette and the fact that he watches Dance Moms because of course he would! Other than that, I pretty much hated everyone.
Jason makes me so sad because at one point, the show seemed to actually be doing something with his character and he became slightly awesome and now he's back to S1-2 levels of stupid and racist.
I watched Seasons 1 and 2, and then just lost interest. Which was too bad, because I really wanted to like it.
Didn't help me be able to tell them apart either.
Yeah, that was a confusing scene on a couple of levels.
I spent an awful lot of the episode realizing that I remember almost nothing from last season. I kinda think that helps.
Ooh, HBO Go just showed up on my AppleTV. Spiffy.
[link] is an "explanation" of The Song of Ice and Fire I can get behind
I am loving Family Tree. Christopher Guest really has my number.
I can't believe I am getting all these serial posts days apart. That's just weird.
What channel is Family Tree on?
HBO, and it's really wonderful, especially if you're a fan of Guest's other work.
Yay, a premium cable station I get! Time to set up a series recording on the DVR.