In his GoT column this week (pimp!), DH attributed Bran and Arya's 24-hour growth spurts to:
...we don't know, dragons or winter or something.
So I assume Bran's spinal injury works the same way.
I love love LOVE this version of Margery Tyrell. In the book she's not a POV character so we only see her via Cercei, Tyrion, or Sansa (did I miss anyone?), all of whom have extremely limited and biased viewpoints. Getting to see her and the other Tyrell women firsthand is just fantastic.
And as much as I'm Team Stark all the way, a part of me wonders if Arya had been born a Tyrell, or a Mormont, or an Of Tarth (can't remember Brienne's house), if she would have been happier in the long run. (Greyjoys also let their women fight, but I wouldn't wish being born a Greyjoy on anyone. Well, maybe Joffrey.)
Well, maybe Joffrey.
Sure. Maybe the drowned god thing could actually take, for once.
From your lips to the Drowned God's ears...
It was so disgusting to watch how easily Margery manipulated Joffrey, too. He thinks he's so smart, and so powerful. That's not a woman you want to arm, buddy, and I haven't read past the first book.
I'm also sort of imagining someone cutting all the scenes with Jamie and Brienne into a buddy movie trailer.
I'm also sort of imagining someone cutting all the scenes with Jamie and Brienne into a buddy movie trailer.
Doooo eeeeeet!
But maybe wait at least until after next week.
(I don't know how to do that. But I would love it.)
Cat's story about Jon Snow also killed me. It was so very human.
Maybe I'll give it a shot once that storyline is over. (And I figure out how to download from HBOGO.)
Margery Tyrell + crossbow forever. It would've been great if she'd gotten him to let her hold it while it was loaded and then shot him in the head with it. Oops, I guess I could kill something after all. But really, she's just aces in my book. And I love that she dresses, according to Cersei, like an old school hoochie mama.
The Theon torture scenes were really disturbing. I had to look away.
I couldn't figure out what they were doing, and then I realized I really didn't want to know.
I almost pity Cersei, but I can't quite get there. She raised this kid to be a monster, and now he's out of the cage and she has zero control over him. And his contempt, to boot.
Speaking of Theon, does anybody else think the guy who promised to help free him is actually
Ramsey Snow